Explore Cognitive Trip According To Piaget
Selasa, 10 Desember 2013
"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought"
The word connotes above if you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. From here we can know in advance, we are not yet fully aware with what is in our minds that we indeed have a mind which always have amazing journey from birth to adulthood, we tend to be a negative thought so positive our minds do not function properly, if we use our minds to think positive (positive Thinking) we would not have had time to think of negative things (Thingking negative), use your mind toward the positive (posthink) because it will benefit for yourself and beneficial to others.
From the introduction above in which case I will give a little description of which I will connect with the phenomenon of cognitive developmental stages with dimasyarakat according to Piaget. According to the stages of cognitive development in Piaget's grouping became the first of several stages of sensory-motor, a second pre-operational, concrete Operational third, fourth formal Operational.
The first stage is the stage of motor-sesorik (this happened since the birth up to the age of 2 years) is characterized by progressive inter-coordination phase of the scheme becomes more complex and integrated. In the first phase, characterized by a response-the response to its default and also a reflex-reflex is involuntary, such as sucking fingers, grasping or etc. The next phase of the scheme-a scheme start reflex controlled consciously. When the initial scheme scheme-like suck, seeing and holding fervent inter-coordination, babies are not merely holding it or see it, but started to see and hold it. This scheme takes individual changes to the next scheme. The explanation of many already existing phenomena in society regarding this first stage (sensory-motor) we know if we have or know of a recently born baby we know that babies born is often seen sucking her fingers grasping his condition or it is tangible evidence of this stage.
The second stage is a period of pre-operational stage, at the age of 2 to 7 years, the child's behavior indicated by change of the dependency action towards utilization of mental representation in his actions or behavior is usually referred to as thought. However, the child at this stage has not yet been developed on system organization of thoughts. When we are around them and they did not see us, they do not think that we can see them. This is a classic example of a child on the exaggerated egocentrism of this phase,. They still found it difficult to distinguish between their presepsi and others. Their mental representation capacity allows the emergence of a number of schemes and new capability significantly. In mreka there is a primitive form of learning comprehension (insight learning), where children seem to look at the issue and he suatau solve it though it is not stated in real action. Children can illustrate the answers in his mind and realize the right solution. The other is the ability of representation, namely the ability of the child to associate an object to an undue hardship. This representation according to piaget's capacity allows the child to use language, a language consists of symbols-symbols (words) that make up an object or event. Representation involves the creation and evokasi in mind to represent the object. Before the child truly represent the symbol-symbol, the child is not able to use the language effectively. An example of a phenomenon that occurs frequently and is concerned with the representation is that we would ever see kids who are playing Cook-cooking with something it thinks as a means to cook like a brick in the align considered cookers and so on.
The third stage is the concrete operational (age 7-11 years) is an important refinement stage three domains of intellectual growth, i.e.: conservation, classification, and transitivity. Conservation is the ability to transform the nature of the object. Blanketing children exposed to three different vessel forms then the child is told to pour water into the vessel and took turns, it will be seen that the high water will be different in the three-volume the water whereas bjana poured the same. Second classification involves grouping and categorization of similar objects. For example, is within a cage there are three cats and four dogs who are exposed on a child, the child is asked many where they will answer more dogs than cats. A third i.e. Seriasi and Transivitas were two separate abilities, yet interconnected. Seriasi involves the ability for stringing together a series of elements according to the particular relationship. For example, is like someone was told to set up a stick with a sort length. While the transitivity-related capabilities of seriasi. For example is the child able to differentiate and compare the existing rods, as well as child encompasses coordinating two isolated relationships e.g. stick B > a.
The fourth stage is a period of formal operational (adolescence and adult) are marked with the child's ability to formulate hypotheses and test them against reality. According to piaget, marking the end of formal operational stage of intellectual development. Children travel the long road starts from simple reflex-reflex in newborns, then headed on thoughts of teens and adults. The conclusion is at the stage of sensory-motor (0-2 years) is characterized by his limited, not to know the language, has not been able to understand the ealita objective. Pre-operational stage (2-7 years), the egocentric thoughts thoughts dominated by the perception, intuition is more dominant than the logical mind, yet has the ability of conservation. Concrete operational stage three (7-11 years) capability, the ability of connecting conservation and classification, the understanding of numbers, concrete thinking, the development of the thought of reversibilitas. Stage four is formal operations (11 years >) public and thorough nature of mind, thinking, be able to hypothesize, proportional development of idealism. Piaget's theory is based on a logical and natural progression of increased individual according to theoretical principles. (Reference: R.L. Solso, et al. (2008). eds. psikologi kognitif eds8. Jakarta: Erlangga)
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