Being old is not a problem, your life priorities are most important

Posted by Unknown Senin, 16 Desember 2013 0 komentar

As we know so far , a lot of people who have entered the final adult stage or phase of the elderly could be said , the overall tendency is competent , Ancient , Useless , and not effective in some cases . However , we need to know that is not the age of the elderly are categorized in some cases because many elderly people around us can be said to be the age of the age of the most respected , due to prior experience of older people than the experience we are still in the development phase . In the final adult developmental psychology or elderly age ( Santrock : 2002) there are several developments that suffered a setback , also experienced stability.
For example, the physical development of the elderly can be said to be declining due to several factors: Impairment is a loss of function of psychological , physiological .Disability is a restriction / less able to perform activities like a normal person . As well Handicap is not. Able able to function socially , based on age, sex , socio-cultural. Likewise with cognitive development in older adults , they , too, suffered a setback . The workings of the brain neurons diesel elderly no longer be productive as a teenager as good as the first. Keep in mind , that aging and death are natural aspects of human experience ( Solso : 2007) , so all men will surely experience these phases over time . Yes even then if we can reach elderly age . Hehehe , because the age limit no one knows except the power of God , because age is a secret of God . In these circumstances , a lot of things we need to consider as a young child , or cicict , grandchild or child of our parents who are elderly .
 We need to know what are the developments that occurred when entering that age , so that is memorable or acquired during his lifetime only happiness alone , or can be said in the remains of the last age , would be helpful to provide the best for the people we love . hehehe. :)
Back again in the development of the elderly . In cognitive psychology is no such thing as a science of gerontology , the science that studies aging issues or problems in the elderly , which includes several aspects , namely social change , physically , and mentally in the elderly . So for you - you who want to learn can be accessed dissect books on gerontology.  Because I personally still have not learned, hehehe J Indeed, the development of physical and cognitive decline in the elderly , but in the spiritual aspects of the elderly age can be said to have increased . How so ? What have been close to death ? Hehehe . Yes . Death is one of the main factors that make someone more increase spirituality , but there are also several factors that support the main factor , which is due to cognitive factors spirituality , older age had a lot to get some experience or knowledge for young , it is also one factor why elderly age , aspects of spirituality which is a top priority . Wisdom ( wisdom ) is also attached to the age of the elderly . Be the first person perspective was , who said the age of the elderly is not useful , it is a wrong perspective . Because we must and shall see from several points of view , not from one point of view only. Parents or elderly people , we can make a reflection for us yag are still young , so willing and eager to become a better person , before entering at that age , because our behavior as a youth will reappear and even more so when entering the phase of the elderly .
To that end , the experience of a parent or chatter - celothan he should not we think of as useless chatter , because behind the chatter he gives us the knowledge to become a more thoughtful man in the present or in the future . Make the most of life now do not waste your time young parents before the arrival time . Because time can not run backwards 

Referance :
Solso, Robert L,dkk. 2007. Psikologi Kognitif. Bandung: Erlangga

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