Psychology and Relation With Food

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Conversations related to eating and food is said to have no end. Questions like "where to eat" or "eat what?" Is always interesting to leveled. Scientific findings regarding the food was like it never stops flowing. Human life is closely related to food issues. What can I say? Activity eat and find food is indeed one of the basic human instinct. Since the first human to set foot on earth. activities chew-swallow-and-let-digestive-system-care of the rest has ensured continuation of human life.

Of the question 'is it true food can cause addiction?. To answer it true that food can be addictive, we need to know how the brain works in regulating feeding behavior. In 2007, the magazine Scientific American Mind discusses this issue (under the heading This Is Your Brain on Food). In a recent issue of Psychology Today magazine, this discussion resurfaced with the title Consuming Passions. The explanation that I put in here is basically the incorporation of both the article. Parts of the brain that regulate feeding behavior called hypotalamus (located in the middle of the brain). Part of the outer (lateral) hypotalamus is part of what makes hunger, while the front-middle (ventromedial) hypotalamus is the part that gives a sense of fullness.

However, humans are creatures who have the pleasure seeking nature. If he gets the enjoyment of an activity, on the next occasion where he wants the pleasure, he would repeat the earlier activity. Here, there is a separation between the two forms of hunger. The first is actually hungry hungry, hunger is caused by physiological processes above (through Ghrelin, blood-sugar and insulin) are referred to as 'hungry stomach'. The second type is hungry hunger (appetite) to get a sense of pleasure from dopamine, the so-called 'brain hungry' or in our culture is known as the 'hungry eyes'.

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