Posted by Unknown Minggu, 15 Desember 2013 0 komentar

Human beings are very diverse , in terms of both physical and spiritual , who performed each behavior - each individu different in every daily life. There were undergoing daily activities - day to relax - chill out , some with remarkably - indeed , full of sacrifices , until exhausting. But that does not discriminate , all men whose names are definitely in need of a break . Rest here a lot of kinds, one of them sleeping .
First, it will be explained what sense sleep . Sleep is an unconscious state when people can be awakened by administration of sensory stimuli . With a sleeping man will feel refreshed when awakening after doing activity - activities that are very dense . After waking up, we will be back to continue the spirit of the activity - the next activity . Especially after waking up in the morning , it's time - time to do the activities - activities that are more useful . Like learning ( repeat subjects understand and remember it ) , recite anything very quickly in the current circumstances .
Here I will discuss a lot about sleep , such as the type of sleep , the waves in sleep , and sleep needs based on age . Type halved sleep , slow-wave sleep ( slow wave sleep ) and sleep with rapid eye movement ( REM sleep ) . Traits - traits slow wave sleep , including brain waves are very strong , very low frequency , and occurs in most sleep period . Traits - traits sleep with rapid eye movements : rapid eye movement ( obviously ) , 25 % occurred during the sleep period of 5 to 30 minutes , every 90 -minute interval , and dealing with real dreams and active muscle movement .
Waves - waves in the sleep cycle is 4, wave alpha , beta , theta , and delta . Alpha waves are characterized by a state of calm ( think break ) when you wake up . Second , characterized by beta waves occur during specific mental activities , change of alpha with beta waves when we open our eyes . Third , theta waves often occur during emotional stress ( disappointment and frustration ) . These waves occur in many brain disorders . Finally, the delta wave . These waves occur during sleep soundly .
The need to sleep per day by age : age 1-15 days 16 hours , 3-5 months 14 hours , 6-23 months 13 hours , 2-3 years 12 hours , 3-5 years 11 hours , 5-9 years 10 hours , 10 - 13 years 9 hours , 14-18 hours of 8 years , 19-30 years 7 hours , 33-45 hours of 7 years , 50-70 years 6 hours , 70-80 hours 5 years .
Most of our lives are dominated by the behavior of the unconscious . There is a statement that we are aware of behavior that successfully stored in memory is only 1 % of 100 % , and 90 % are ignored .
Enough of this article can i write for this week , if there are many shortcomings and errors apologize , because " al insaanu mahallul khotto ' wan nisyan " . May be useful !!!

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