period of puberty

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Desember 2013 0 komentar
This period is also called pueral period, ie the transition from childhood to adolescence. In girls, this period is shorter than the boys. At this time, major changes occur in adolescents, the hormone increased sexuality and began development of the sexual organs and reproductive organs adolescents. In addition, the rapid development of the intellect which also occurs in this phase. As a result, these teenagers tend to be critical of others (because he knew everything), which is often manifested in the form of defiance or disproof of parents, started like an adult he thinks is right, and make it as a hero. This behavior will be followed by mimicking everything done by the hero, such as hairstyle, style of speech, to worship the living habits.
Moreover, in this age also tend to be more daring teens expressed the desire of his heart, bolder opinion, even as hard as possible to maintain his opinion. This is often taken by parents as insubordination. Teenagers do not want to be treated as a child. They would rather hang out with a group that is considered in accordance with his pleasure.

But, at the same time, they also need help and are always ready to help from their parents, if they are not able to manifest desires. At this time is a critical moment. If parents are unable to meet the psychological needs to resolve the conflict at the time, teens will seek it from others. so, I think this period is very important. parents should always provide supervision and attention or guidance to them. Muhlisin (12410132)

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