Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
A. Curriculum Vitae Burrhus Frederick Skinner
Skiner was born on May 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, United States. His childhood passed with a life full of warmth and yet quite strict in discipline. The young scholar earned hamilton College, New York, in the field of literature, United Kingdom. In 1928, Skinner began entering coursework psychology at Harvard University and specializes in the fields of animal behavior and earned doctorate in 1931.
From 1931 to 1936, Skinner worked at Harvard. The research is focused on doing research on the nervous animals. In 1936 until 1945, Skinner made his career as a lecturer at the University of Mingoesta. In his career Skinner shows a high productivity he was confirmed as leader of the United States leading Behaviorism.
The field of Psychology who explored experimental analysis was on Skinner's behaviour. He did penyilidikan mainly on infrahuman organisms, usually rats or pigeons. In addition, Skinner also applies the principles of conditioning time (operant conditioning) on investigations about psychotic in adults, children with autism, language analysis, and design of teaching machines. Among the famous is his design peraalatan box Skinner (Skinner Box). Skinner has contributed to the understanding of the meaning of behavior, especially with regard to learning.
B. Works By Burrhus Frederick Skinner
1. The Behavior of organisms (1938)
2. Walden Two (1948)
3. Science and Human Behavior (1953)
4. Verbal Behavior (1957)
5. Shedules of Reinforcement (1957), etc.
C. Skinner: Operant Conditioning Theory
Like Pavlov and Watson, Skinner also thought the behaviour as a relationship between stimulus and response, but in contrast to the foregoing that both figures, Skinner makes the details further. Skinner distinguished two kinds of response, namely:
a. Respondens Response (reflexive response), i.e. the response evoked by a particular stimulus-stimulus. Stimulants-stimulant that, called the eleciting stimuli, leading to renspons-renspons that are relatively fixed, e.g. food which caused the discharge of saliva. In General, such stimulus-stimulus precedes the response it evokes.
b. Operant response (instrumental response) that is incurred and the development of response followed by a specific stimulus-stimulus. Such stimulus is called reinforcing stimuli or reinforcer, because the stimulus-stimulus to strengthen the renspons has been performed by the organism. So, the stimulant that follow (and hence strengthen) something particular behaviour that has been done. If a child learns (have done the deed), and then gets the prize, then he will be more active learning (responsnya became more intensive/strong).
The difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning is that in classical, the formation of an expected behavior does not require the existence of a reinforcer, because stimulusnya yourself already gives rise to the expected response. Whereas, in operant conditioning, a response or behavior was made into a powerful reinforcer with blebih (a stimulus to strengthen renspons).
In one of his experiments, Skinner use a mouse is placed in a crate that is called by the Skinner Box. Skinner box contains two kinds of basic components, namely manipulandum and giver of the reinforcement, among others in the form of food containers. Manipulandum is a component that can be manipulated and his movement associated with reinforcement. This component consists of a stem, bars, buttons and levers.
In experiments that initially rats that explores the way cage crate run here and there, kissing objects that exist around them, clawing the walls, and so on. The rat's behaviour so called '' emmited behavior (behavior that emanates), i.e. the mannerisms that emanated from the organism without a care about a particular stimulus. Then one of the rat's behaviour (such as legs, muzzle touch cakaran) can press the lever. This resulted in the emergence of the lever pressure grain foods into its container.
A grain of food which appeared to reinforce a rat called operant behavior that will continue to increase if accompanied by reinforcement, namely strengthening either grain-grain foods into the food container.
Operant conditioning learning theory is also subject to two different laws of operant other operant conditioning and law law extinction. According to the laws of operant conditioning, if a behavior diriingi by an amplifier (reinforcement), then the behaviour is increasing. While according to law law extinction, if a behaviour is reinforced with the amplifier in kondisioning stimulus, stimulus is accompanied not the amplifier, then the behavior will decrease or even destroyed. The second law is basically also have in common with the law of classical conditioning (classical conditioning).
D. Principles of Learning According to Skinner
Results of experiments conducted by Skinner produced some learning principles which results in behavior change, namely:
a. Reinforcement
Reinfoecemen is defined as a consequent ang strengthen behaviour (or frequency behaviour). The effectiveness of a learning process in need reinforcemen indicated. Because we can't assume a reinforcer is consequent to the consequent proved that can corroborate the behavior. For example, pemen in General can be a small child's behavior to reinforce, but when they grow up candy is no longer something fun, even some young children also don't like sweets.
Generally differentiated reinforcemen into three, namely:
a) in terms of its kind, reinforcemen divided into two categories, namely primary and secondary reinforcemen reinforcemen. Reinforcemen primary is reinforcemen form basic human needs such as food, water, safety, warmth, etc. While the secondary is the reinforcemen reinforcemen diasosiakan with reinforcemen primer.
b) in terms of its shape, reinforcemen divided into two, namely positive reinforcemen reinforcemen and negative. Positive Reinforcemen was consequently given to strengthen or improve behaviour such as graduation gifts, compliments, etc. Whereas reinforcemen negative is withdrawing from an unpleasant situation to strengthen behaviour. For example, teachers who frees his disciples from the task of cleaning the bathroom if the student can finish his home.
c reinforcement delivery Time), the effectiveness of the behavioral reinforcemen depends on various factors, one of which is the frequency or schedule provision of reinforcement. There are four kinds of delivery schedule reinforcemen, namely:
Fixed Ratio
Fixed Interval
Variable Interval
b. Punishment
Punishment is presents or give an unpleasant situation or situations to be avoided to decrease behavior.
c. Shaping
The term is used in shaping learning theory Behaviorism to demonstrate teaching new skills or behaviors new behaviors by providing reinforcement to students to master skills or those with good behavior.
As for the steps in the grant of shaping are:
1. Choose the purpose to be achieved;
2. find out the readiness of student learning;
3. develop a number of steps that will provide guidance to students through the goal gradually by adjusting ability of students;
4. Give feedback on student learning outcomes.
d. Extinction
Extinction is the decrease or lose reinforcement with interesting behavior that cause the behavior to occur. This happens through a process of Extinction slowly. Usually when reinforcement is withdrawn or discontinued behavior of individuals often increase instantaneously
e. the antecedent and behavior change
In operant conditioning, the antecedent can provide guidance whether a behavior will get a consistently positive or negative.
According to Skinner, to produce behavior change at the individual, in addition to looking at the consequent (consecuens), can also use the antecedent-the antecedent. Because, as already mentioned, the seebelumnya human behavior such as a sandwich or a series of antesedents-behavior-consequens (A-B-C). In this case, there are two ways to control the antecedent to produce new behavior or behavior change, i.e. with the cueing and prompting.
E. Criticisms Of The Theory Of Behavior
However, it is the light that this behaviour is not free from criticism. The theory of this behaviour is often criticized for not being able to explain a complex learning situations, because a lot of things in the world of education can not be converted into just stimulus and response.
We take the example, one moment a student wants beelajaar enterprising after certain stimulus is given. But because otherwise, the student is suddenly unwilling to learn again, even though the stimulus is already given to him that is equal to or better than that. This is the problem, it turns out this theory of behavior considered not able to explain the reasons which confuse the relationship between the stimulus and the response. Of course we can replace with another stimulus stimulus until we get the response we wanted. But we know this is not the real answer.
In addition, this learning theory is considered likely to steer students to think in a linear, convergent, and not creative. The process is called "establishment '' (shaping). Skinner and other experts of this theory does not meenganjurkan the existence of "penalty" is used in the learning process. But what they call "negative reinforcement" (negative reinforcement) tend to limit the discretion of students for their imagination and thinking.
Skinner doesn't believe in the assumption of Guthrie, i.e. "punishment '' play an important role in the learning process. Skinner is more believing in what is referred to as negative reinforcement. This is not the same as punishment. Such inequality is when the punishment should be "given '' (as a stimulus) that differs from the response usually is, while" negative reinforcement '' (as a stimulus) should be "reduced" to the same espon became increasingly powerful. For example, a student needs to be "punished" for a mistake he made (the theory of Guthrie). If the student still recalcitrant, the penalty must be added. But, if something isn't the actual students were reduced (not even added), and it encourages the reduction of that student to correct his error, then this is called "negative reinforcement" (Skinner's theory).
Daftar pustaka
Drs. H. Baharuddin M.Pd.I, Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran,(Jogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2008),
Sumadi Suryabrata (B.A, Drs., MA, Ed.S, Ph.D.), Psikologi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT RajaGravindo Persada, 1998),
Drs. Tajab M.A, Ilmu Jiwa Pendidikan, (Surabaya: Karya Abditama, 1994),
Suciati, Teori belajar dan motivasi, (Jakarta: Prasetya Irawan, 2001),
Drs. H. Baharuddin M.Pd.I, Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran,(Jogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2008),
Sumadi Suryabrata (B.A, Drs., MA, Ed.S, Ph.D.), Psikologi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT RajaGravindo Persada, 1998),
Drs. Tajab M.A, Ilmu Jiwa Pendidikan, (Surabaya: Karya Abditama, 1994),
Suciati, Teori belajar dan motivasi, (Jakarta: Prasetya Irawan, 2001),
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