Understanding Motivation and Theories of Motivation

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 13 Desember 2013 0 komentar

The Definition Of
· Robbins and Judge (2007) defines motivation as the process that explains the intensity, direction and persistence to achieve a business objective.
· Samsudin (2005) gives a sense of motivation as a process affecting or pushing from the outside against a person or group work that they would like to implement something that has been set. Motivation can also be interpreted as encouragement (driving force) intended as a natural insistence to satisfy and memperahankan life.
· Mangkunegara (2005,61) States: "the motivation of attitude (attitude) employees in the face of the situation of work in companies (situation). Motivation is the energy that drives the condition or self guided or directed employees to achieve corporate objectives of the organization. The mental attitude of a pro and positive employees against work situation that is what strengthens his motivation to achieve maximum performance ".

Understanding Motivation
· Motivation is a change of energy in themselves (personal) someone who is characterized by the onset of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal. (Mr. Donald: 1950).
· Motivation is a process for reviving motives into actions/behavior to meet the needs and achieve the goals/State and readiness in the individual which encourages the vagaries of what is he to do something in achieving goals. (Drs. Moh. Uzer Usman: 2000)
· Motivation is the force hidden within us that push us to behave and act in a manner that is typical (K: Ivor Davies, 1986)
· Motivation is the effort – effort to provide condition – the condition so that the child wants to do something (Prof. Drs. Nasution: 1995)

Based on the above understanding, the motivation is the response of employees against a number of statements regarding the overall effort arising from the growing impetus in order for employees to work and desired destinations by employees is reached.

a. motivation in Learning
The importance of the role of motivation in the learning process needs to be understood by educators in order to conduct various forms of action or assistance to students. Motivational impetus, both formulated as arising from factors within and outside of the student, to achieve specific objectives in order to meet a requirement to satisfy/. In the context of learning then those needs relate to the need for the lesson.
The role of motivation in the learning process, learning motivation of students can be analogized as fuel to drive the engine adequate learning motivation will push students to Excel in Active behaved class, but the motivation is too strong it can affect negatively to kefektifan business student learning.
Function of motivation in learning include:
1. Push the incidence of behaviour or conduct, without motivation won't be an act occurred such as learning.
2. Motivation serves as the referrer, which means that direct action to achieve the desired goals.
3. Motivation serves as an activator, it means moving the person's behaviour. Big nothingness of motivation will determine the quick or the slowness of a job.

In outline the motivation contains values in learning as a
the following:
1. motivation determines the level of successful or failed student learning activities.
2. the learning motivation in fact are learning to suit your needs, impetus, motive, interest in students.
3. learning that requires creativity and imajinitas motivated teachers to strive for earnestly seeking ways that are relevant and in harmony to resurrect and maintaining learning motivation of students.
4. successful or failed in generating mendayagunakn and motivation in the learning process with regard to efforts to the construction of the discipline of the classroom.
5. the use of the basic motivation is something that is essential in the process of studying and learning.

b. motivation and Learning achievements of Students
In the formula above, we observed problems are the motivation that was influential in learning prestasti students, turned out to be very influential are:
· Motivation in General heighten the achievements and correct attitude to the task, in other words, the motivation can evoke a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that raise achievement exceeds normal.
· Good results in the work accompanied by the praise is a great encouragement for someone to work with enterprising. When the results of the work are not above begging others, perhaps activities will be reduced. Praise should always closely associated with good achievements. Children should be given the opportunity to do something with good results, so to him arising out of a "sense of succรจs" or the feeling of success.
· Motivation is the hope of achieving good results to obtain satisfaction in mastery of the behavior that was opposed and difficult (Mr. Clelland, 1955).
c. Sources of Learning Motivation of Students
In such formulation is also observed from anywhere the sources that students learning motivation, such as:
  • Intrinsic Motivation
that is the motivation that is sourced on the factors of in, implied either in the task itself or to students who are motivated by the desire to know, without any compulsion of encouragement of others, for example the desire to have certain skills, obtain information and understanding, develop an attitude to work, enjoy life, consciously give donations to the group, and as follows.
  • Extrinsic Motivation
that is the motivation that sourced due to the influence of outside individuals, whether due to an invitation, Messenger or coercion of others so that the circumstances of students want to do something or learn. Students in motivation with the numbers, diplomas, levels, prizes, Medal, conflict, competitiond. the teacher and Learning Motivation
In the formulation also questioned how the teacher motivates student learning in order to attract students to learn, teachers are given motivation:
1. Give the number
2. Prize
3. a rival
4. the desire to learn
5. the Ego envolvement
6. often give Deuteronomy
7. know the results
8. cooperation
9. the task of the "challenging"
10. Praise
11. Reprimand and similarities
12. a pleasant atmosphere
13. the purposes for which it is recognized and accepted by both the pupils
14. Please respect the work of pupils
Measurement Model Of Motivation
Measurement of motivation models have been developed, including many by McClelland (Mangkunegara, 2005: 74) argues for the 6 (six) people who have motivation characteristics of excellence, namely:
1. have a level of personal responsibility are high
2. dare to take and bear the risk of
3. Have realistic goals
4. Have an overall work plan and fight to realize goals
5. Utilize concrete feedback in all activities conducted
6. look for opportunities for realizing the plans that have been added.

Edward Murray (Mangkunegara, 2005,68-67) argue that the characteristics of the people who have the motivation high achievers are as follows:
1. do something with my best
2. do something to achieve success
3. complete the tasks that require effort and skills
4. Wishes to be known and mastered a particular field
5. do the difficult with satisfactory results
6. working on something very meaningful
7. do something better than anyone else.

Theories Of Motivation
Broadly speaking, the theory of motivation are grouped into three groups, the theory of motivation to approach the content/satisfaction (content theory), a theory of motivation with a process approach (process theory) and the theory of motivation with the approach of the amplifier (reinforcement theory).Motivation can be defined as the power (energy) someone who can rise to the level of entusiasmenya and persistence in carrying out an activity, whether sourced from within the individual itself (intrinsic motivation) or from outside individuals (extrinsic motivation).
How powerful the motivation that the individual will determine the behavior of the quality they are presented, both in the context of learning, work and other life. The study of motivation has long had its own attractiveness for educators, managers, and researchers, primarily associated with interest efforts attainment performance (achievements). In the context of the study of psychology, Abib again Syamsuddin Makmun (2003) suggests that to understand the motivation of the individual can be seen from a number of indicators, including:
1. the duration of activities
2. the frequency of activities
3. Persistence on the activities
4. Grit, tenacity and ability in mengahadapi obstacles and difficulties;
5. the devotion and sacrifice to achieve objectives
6. the aspiration Level achieved by activities conducted
7. the qualifying Level of achievement or product (out put) that reached from the activities conducted
8. attitude towards the direction of the target activities

To understand about the motivation, we are going to meet up with a few theories about motivation, among other things:
· Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory
Needs can be defined as any gaps or conflicts experienced between one fact with the encouragement that is inside. When an employee needs are not met, then the employee will show the behavior of the disappointed. Conversely, if their needs are met the employee amak will show the behavior as a manifestation of ecstatic sense of puasnya.
The need is on the underlying behavior of the employees. Because it is impossible to understand behavior without understanding his needs.
Abraham Maslow (Mangkunegara, 2005) suggests that the hierarchy of human needs are as follows:
1. physiological Needs, namely the need to eat, drink, physical protection, breathing, sexual. This need is the needs of the lowest level or also called as the most basic needs
2. the need for a sense of security, namely the need for self-protection from a threat, danger, conflict, and the environment
3. the need for a sense of belonging (social), that needs to be accepted by the group, affiliated, interact, and the need to love and be loved
4. the need for self-esteem, that needs to be respected and appreciated by others
5. the need to actualize themselves, namely the need to use the ability, skill and potential. The need to argue with fringe ideas, ideas and criticisms of something

· The Theory Of Justice
Justice is the driving power that motivates a person's morale, so the company had to act fairly towards all its employees. Assessment and recognition of employees ' behaviour should be done objectively. This theory is viewed comparison of someone with someone else as a reference based on the input and also the result or the contribution each employee (Robbins, 2007).
Theory X and Y
Douglas McGregor expressed the view of the real man. The first view essentially negative is called theory X, and the second is basically positive called theory Y (Robbins, 2007).
McGregor concludes that the Manager's view of human nature is based upon certain assumptions and some groups that they tend to form their behavior against an employee based on these assumptions.

· Two-factor theory Herzberg
This theory was advanced by Frederick Herzberg is assuming that the relationship of an individual with a job is fundamental and that individual attitude towards job bias very well determine success or failure. (Robbins, 2007).
Herzberg looked at that job satisfaction comes from the existence of intrinsic motivators and bring work dissatisfaction comes from the nonexistence of extrinsic factors. Extrinsic factors (the context of the job) include:
1. Wages
2. working conditions
3. job security
4. Status
5. company Procedures
6. the quality of the provision of
7. the quality of interpersonal relationships between fellow colleagues, superiors, and subordinates
The existence of these conditions to the satisfaction of the employees is not necessarily motivate them. But its nonexistence causes discontent for employees, because they need to maintain at least a degree of "no satisfaction", the condition is called discontent, or extrinsic factors hygiene. Intrinsic factors include:
1. achievement
2. the Confession
3. Responsibility
4. Progress
5. the work itself
6. the possibility of developing.
The absence of these conditions does not mean the condition proves not very satisfied. But if there is, will form a powerful motivation that produces good work achievements. Therefore, the extrinsic factors are known as pemuas or motivator.

· McClelland's Theory Of Needs
McClelland's theory of needs expressed by David McClelland and his friends. This theory focuses on the three demands, namely (Robbins, 2007):
a. need for achievement (need for achievement): the urge to Excel and surpass standards, achieve, and try hard to succeed.
b. the need for power (need for pewer): need to make others to behave in such a way that they will not behave otherwise.
c. relationship Needs (need for affiliation): Desire for interpersonal relations are friendly and familiar.
What is covered under the theory that associate rewards with the achievements of the individual. According to this model, the motivation of an individual is affected by a variety of factors, both internal and external nature. Including on internal factors are:
a. perception of someone about yourself
b. self-esteem
c. personal Expectations
d. Kebutuhaan
e. the desire
f. job satisfaction
g. work achievement produced.

While external factors affect a person's motivations, among others are:
a. the type and nature of work
b. the Working Group whereby a person joins
c. Organization of work
d. environmental Situation in General
e. the applicable reward system and how its application.


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