Posted by Unknown Kamis, 12 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Creative thinking is a thought process that produces creativity. Creativity is very important to deal with all the limitations that we have, solving problems on various aspects of life, as well as generating new opportunities or to facilitate the work of our lives. Creativity is the fuel that produces energy or passion. Creativity is not limited to creativity (big 'C') which in nature such as painting Da Vinci's masterpiece. There is also such thing as a small creativity (litle 'c'), the ingenuity that is used to solve everyday problems.
Since the birth of each person who has a high enough creativity in its DNA. No need to have a high IQ to be creative. Everyone who is able to have high creativity and discipline because he wants to continue to create new IDE2. Creativity can be increased / decreased. Creativity down because of the pressures of life / stress from experiencing life challenges and dilemmas, working on the job yng not preferred, because it had to, and work at a level well below their true potential. Superabundant activity can lead to saturation. Saturation makes the mind stagnant.
Based on various opinions about the definition of creativity, it can be concluded that creativity is the ability to create or produce something new and original, not previously known or solve new problems encountered. Does it show the creativity of a new thing? Some experts argue that creativity should not be entirely new, but it can also be a combination of existing combined something new.
One of the things that are important in creativity is the ability to think that spreading (divergent thinking) as opposed to thinking that fused (convergent thinking). In both the intellect structure that plays a very important role. In convergent thinking is no right answer and the right, were on divergent thinking to produce a detailed assortment of various alternative solutions to a broad, each of which is a reasonable possibility. The thinkers who are not bound spread expectations, does not want the right answer, but rather requires a way of thinking that is spontaneous and free, as in daydreaming and free association, which produces a variety of problem solving or discovery. Free association used in solving problems in groups called brainstorming.
As for the cause of creativity can not develop optimally is because someone too accustomed to think in an orderly and hindered by the possibility to respond and solve problems independently. With this kind of orderly thought, then someone accustomed to follow the pattern of attitude and behavior as a habit pattern developed by the community or the environment (Nashori & Mucharram, 2002: 26; Diana, 1999: 6).
“Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality overcomes everything. – Kreativitas dapat memecahkan hampir semua masalah. Tindakan kreatif, sikap kuat yg pada dasarnya mengatasi semuanya.”

By : Santri*mahasiswa

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