flow of gestalt psychology

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Gestalt psychology is derived from the German word which means describe the configuration or shape of the piece. A gestalt may be a different object from the sum of its parts . All explanations of object parts will result in the loss of gestalt itself. For example , when looking at a rectangle then it can be understood and described as rectangular or wholly based on wholeness and identity can not be described as four mutually perpendicular lines and touch .Correspondingly, gestalt psychology shows that the basic premise systems conceptualize psychological events as an organized phenomenon , complete and logical . This view explains the psychological integrity of human activity is obvious . According to gestaltis , at that time psychology be a loss of identity when analyzed into components or parts that have been there before .Gestalt psychology is a German movement that directly challenged structuralism psychology Wundt . The psychology of action gestaltis inherited the tradition of Brentano , Stumpf and academy Wurzburg in Germany , which seeks to develop an alternative model proposed by the model of psychological science and analytical than reductionistic Wundt .Gestalt movement is more consistent with the main theme in the German philosophy of mental activity on the system Wundt . Gestalt psychology is based on the ideas of Kant nativistic theory which says that the organization of mental activity makes people interact with their environment in ways typical . So the goal is to investigate the organization Gestalt psychology mental activity and to pinpoint the characteristics of human - environment interactions .Until the 1930s , the movement has managed to replace the model of gestalt psychology wunditian Germany . However , the success of the movement did not last long because they advent of Hitlerism . So the leaders of the movement to move to America .Gestalt psychology begins and is developed through the writings of three key figures , namely Max Wertheimer , Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka . All three were educated in an exciting intellectual atmosphere in the early 20th century in Germany , and the three escape the Nazis and immigrated to America .But in America do not get dominance of gestalt psychology as in Germany . This is because American psychology has evolved over a period of functionalism and in the 1930s was dominated by behaviorism . Therefore , gestalt psychology framework is not in line with developments in Amerik

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