Posted by Unknown Jumat, 13 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Is that the expression ? Wullur ( 1970:16 ) describes the expression as " a person's inner statement by way of saying , singing , moving , with a note that the expression will always grow as encouragement embody the feelings or thoughts "Furthermore , the expression of a person's creativity can develop properties and if the child is able to move before they can creatively learn seriously .Expression by Wullur also be cleaning up , clearing ( catharsis ) . Therefore , the expression can prevent incidents that were not given the opportunity to embody feelings and confront her feelings . Without expression , the latent material may be harmful . And sometimes can be a " small explosion " , such as cursing or behavior may also occur " big bang " , ie run amok , and even kill . " The eruption : the greater is the eruption of the revolution of a people who for years or centuries oppressed .In relation to emotions , we can divide the emotional expression (emotional expression) in three kinds . ( Dirgagunarsa , 1996:138 ) , namely :1 . Startle Response or shocked reaction . This reaction is something that exists in every person and obtained from birth (inborn ) , so do not be influenced by the experience of each individual . Therefore , the same shocked reaction in every person , ie close their eyes , wide mouth , and head and neck move forward .2 . Facial expressions and voice ( facial and vocal ekspression ) . The state of one's emotions can be expressed through the face and voice , we can distinguish those who are angry , excited , and so on . The artists , such as painters and actors really need to study facial expressions and sounds from a variety of emotions , to produce work that is really good .3 . Attitudes and gestures ( posture and gesture ) . Attitudes and gestures are also an expression of emotional state . It is heavily influenced by the culture of the state where the person lives and education obtained from the parents . Thus , the expression of emotion in posture and gestures can be completely different on each person . Emotion of anger , for example , and the one that can be expressed with a clench , on others , can be expressed by hitting the table , on the other longer form of hair tugging . In children , there was an angry reaction temper - tantrums called , namely the movement of rolling on the floor .Facial expressions that accompany emotions clearly serves to communicate the emotion. According to Atkinson , since the publication of Charles Darwin's classic book in 1872 . The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals , psychologists consider the communication of emotions has important functions , which have survival value for the species . Thus , a face that looked fear in the other person may warn of the dangers , and the face that shows that someone is angry tells us that it may be acting aggressively . Recent research , according to Atkinson , is broader than the tradition of Darwin , states that in addition to its communicative function , role emotional expressions on the subjective experience of emotion , just as stimulation and assessment .For Atkinson , certain facial expressions seem to have a universal meaning , regardless of the culture where the individual in question was brought up . Universal expression of anger , for example , is a flushed face , forehead wrinkles, enlarged nostrils , jaws shut , and the teeth are clearly visible. When one of the five different country ( the United States , Brazil , Chile , Argentina , and Japan ) are shown photographs showing facial expressions of joy, anger , sadness , disgust , fear, surprise, they did not find it difficult to identify the emotion shown by each expression . In fact , remote inland communities that do not have contact with Western culture ( and the Fore tribe in New Guinea Dani ) were able to correctly identify facial expressions . Similarly , American students are shown a video recording of the emotions expressed by the Fore tribe were able to accurately identify the emotions , although sometimes they are confused to distinguish between fear and surprise.Universality of certain emotional expressions support Darwin's statement that it is an innate response to evolutionary history . According to Darwin , as quoted by Atkinson , a lot of emotion are innate mengeksprsesikan way that initially have benefits for survival . For example, expression of disgust or rejection is based on the efforts of the organism to protect itself from something unpleasant that has been ingested .Sebetulnyam in addition to the basic expressions of emotion that seems universal , there is also a form of expression that konveksional , a kind of emotional language that is recognized by others in a culture or cultures .

(solso, 2008)

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