The phenomenon of Alay in Indonesia
Selasa, 03 Desember 2013
Just open social media, whatever that is. Facebook, twitter, et al. Then you will find a phenomenon in every there words. Language ALAY!!!!. Many
of the older children who mecurahkan his heart with a language that is
arguably odd, nyentrik, not even the rare leading this rough.
ALAY itself stands for "kites". Such as the meaning of the word singkatanya it is the child who likes to play and feel free in the expression. Alay language characteristics are as follows:
1. writing a letter words used very unnatural. Always interspersed with small capital letters, numbers, punctuation marks and awutan-awut the expertise to read them
2. Often mix the slurry into a foreign language in the local language with the incorrect placement.
While the child's characteristics are: alay
1. Often hang out on the bustling place (that guy a chick, Chick godain godain guy)
2. Often the photographs in a public place (front front posters, mall, mall toilet, front of the mirror in any of it, etc.)
3. photo Style ask forgiveness. From the top to make it look cool, from the bottom, in deketin the camera, sticking his tongue or melet to look cute, etc.
Example: alay writings
1. Yes: he, iyyach
2. you are: kamuuh, kamoeech, amu, ammoech
3. I: q, aq, akuh, aquuh
4. funny: luccuuh. Lutdhuh,
5. Sorry: muuph, maaph
6. What: upphu, apha
7. again: agy, lagie, lgi, etc.
Writing with example language: alay
1. Amuee agy upphu??
2. nal gugh Leh??
3. Udtah maemh luum?
4. and many more of that stuff.
the phenomenon of ALAY still left it will be cause for concern in the
next 10-20 years younger kids will forget the grammar of indonesia
itself. In older children the ALAY is indeed identical to the lifestyle of the gaul. It basically adolescence is a time of wonder and the bandwagon. But still have the lifestyle of alay harms will emerge in the future.
Few studies in the anthropology, lively alay phenomenon over the last 2 years is actually the result of a long process. Economic factors and lifestyle in the teenage world is growing rapidly. This phenomenon is an example of a stratification life. Example on among rich people, we can see how their lifestyle, how to get along, the language, or the vehicle used. Same is the case with older alay. We can see how they talk, how to dress, a gathering place, and so on. They have their own distinctive characteristics of structure as their identity in the social world.
A the existence of a community life which causes the individual doing the variety of ways in order to be aware of. The phenomenon of alay, alay often using striking clothing and lifestyle nyentrik in order to be aware of.
the cognitive side of whorf's ideas, which States that individuals can
present 1 object to be much understanding based on experience presumably
also be explanatory language in the matter of alay. Children have many words for alay presented an object or event.
This article is intended to discuss the phenomenon of alau in the perspective of anthropology and a little about cognitive. The
phenomenon has adverse impact although alay in the future but
nonetheless this phenomenon is the uniqueness that deserves to be
examined further.
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