Magical power of Muslimah
Kamis, 12 Desember 2013
As we know, every provision of Shari'ah termadap human gods is for the welfare and safety of the man himself. So is the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim women is in order to maintain the honor and dignity of a Muslim woman. Allah states in the Qur'an Surat al-Ahzab verse 59:
"O Prophet, Tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them stretch out to their entire body veil ". Such so that they are easier to be known, therefore they are not disturbed. and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful ".
From the above verses, it is clear wisdom contained behind busanah command to wear the Muslim headscarf or wear. Among them are: As a Muslim identity.
gives obligation to veil the women of the believers that has its own
characteristics and identity that distinguishes it from the non-Muslims.
In a hadith says: "Whoever imitates a people then he belonged to them" (Narrated by Abu Dawud)
identity is really important in life that can distinguish between one and the other. When someone loses his trademark identity and then there goes his authority in his life.
A nation that does not own a identity he would not have the prestige of other peoples eyes. So is the Muslim woman with elegant scarf can distinguish between himself and the woman or women pagan ignorance.
Ennoble Muslim women (Muslim).
wearing a veil that covers the entire private parts private parts and
not open in any place, then a Muslim is like a gemstone that is
displayed in the window that not just anyone can pick up and have it. And it's not like rocks that littered the streets where everyone can easily pick it up, then enjoy it, then throw it back.
said: "Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female in a state
of faith, verily to him will We give a good life and will indeed We gave
a reply to them with a better reward than what they have done." (QS.An-Nahl (16): 97)
Prevent men from interference irresponsible.
is easy to understand because the whole body covered except the face
and palms, then there will probably no idle men are attracted to tempt
and destroy him as long as he does not behave exaggerated. So that events such as rape, adultery, etc. can be avoided. "And come not nigh to fornication; adultery actually it is a heinous act. And an evil way. "(Surat al-Israa '(17): 32)
in life we have to admit is very little going on kejatan sex and
promiscuity of the woman who wears Muslim dress perfectly. Because Allah has guaranteed they will not be disturbed as his word in Ayata above. Would seem to her piety traits that make men reluctant to disturb him.
for women who mengumbr private parts, they are easily deceived by men
bitch as we see in the media about crimes ranging from rape to
prostitution until we see the culprit of women who dress sexy.
Hijab is a symbol of the modern woman.
can see that the neatly dressed and wearing hijab for Muslim women
modern clothing is a model that was never practiced by the nations
preceding you. This
can be evidenced by the historical fact that Islam encourages the
Muslim woman to wear a headscarf to maintain the honor and pride.
just that now many women who berpakaia half-naked women as a model of
primitive Dayak diiriyan victorious or as the woman of old who still
lives half naked despite the modern world. However, by wearing clothes that would look good in any modernity and elegance.
That's because some of the lessons and in accordance with human nature which embarrassed to reveal his private parts "cock". Many of the western women who are interested in Islam so that Islam developed there.
them commented and said as done by Lucette Valensi, professor of women
in high school social studies in Paris said, "Quran commands to keep the
glory and apparel geared to both men, and women. This
command is very clearly stated in the Koran, where women are not
allowed to show the believer jewelry except for certain parts. Meanwhile, men who believe also ordered to hold his gaze and maintain. Hijab is a kind of protection for women to keep the price of himself and his family pride. "
woman named Fatima Lensel, Austrian expert on Islam said, "The use of
the veil for Muslim women is a value and a genuine choice.". Harnesi
Fatimah, one of the new Austrian woman who embraced Islam said,
"Limitations of the veil, a value higher than the usual human freedom,
because religious clothing is the key to freedom from jail lust for
women and society.
Today I understand that the hijab is a female patron. Hijab blocking sales of self-esteem and hinder or attention away from the gaze of strangers. In fact, the veil is not a physical trade in women, a value jewelry for the soul and humanity of a person. Therefore, the real hijab is a garment that is noble and praiseworthy. "
how they compliment both Muslim and non-Muslims about the existence of
the veil that becomes a shield and a symbol for the Muslim woman.
the veil beautiful, graceful and charming turns mengadung much wisdom
and high moral values despite the Orientalists and the anti-Islamic
secular challenge.
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