The importance of resilience in the life

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 11 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Resilience is the ability to adapt and remain steadfast in difficult situations . ( Reivich and Shatté , 2002. Resilience is built from seven different capabilities and virtually none of the individuals who collectively have the ability to properly
This capability consists of :
1 . According to emotion regulation and Shatté Reivich (2002 ) emotion regulation is the ability to remain calm under pressure . Individuals who have the ability to regulate emotions to control himself when he is upset and can overcome anxiety , sadness, or anger thus speeding up the solution of a problem . Expression of emotion , either positive or negative , is healthy and constructive as long as it is done properly . Pengekpresian right emotion by Reivich and Shatté (2002 ) is one of the abilities that resilient individuals . Reivich and Shatté (2002 ) suggests two important things related to emotion regulation , namely tranquility ( calming ) and focus ( focusing ) . Individuals who are able to manage both of these skills , can help alleviate emotional exist , focusing intrusive thoughts and reduce stress .
2 . Impulse control and Shatté Reivich (2002 ) defines as the ability to control impulse control desire , encouragement , joy , and the pressure arising from within oneself . Individuals with low impulse control often rapidly changing emotions that tend to control their behavior and thoughts . Such individuals are often easy to lose patience , irritable , impulsive , and aggressive force in small situations that are not too important , so that the surrounding social environment feel less comfortable that resulted in the emergence of problems in social relationships .
3 . Individuals who are resilient optimism optimistic individual . They have hope in the future and believe that they can control the direction of his life . In a study conducted , when compared with individuals who are pessimistic , optimistic individuals who are physically healthier , and more rarely depressed , better schools , more peoduktif in the work , and more wins in the sport ( Reivich & Shatté , 2002) . Optimism implies that the individual believes that he can handle the problems that arise in the future ( Reivich & Shatté , 2002) .
4 . Empathy Empathy represents that the individual is able to read the signs of the psychological and emotional than others. Empathy reflect how well the individual to recognize a state of psychological and emotional needs of others ( Reivich & Shatté , 2002) . In addition , Werner and Smith ( in Lewis , 1996) adds that empathetic individuals are able to listen and understand others so he brings a positive reaction from the environment . Someone who has the ability to empathize tend to have positive social relationships ( Reivich & Shatté , 2002) .
5 . Analysis of the cause of the problem Seligman ( in Reivich & Shatté , 2002) revealed a concept closely related to the analysis of the cause of the problem is the style of thinking. Style of thinking is the way people used to describe something that is both good and bad things that happen to him .
Style of thinking is divided into three dimensions , namely : 1 ) Personal ( me - not me ) individuals with a style of thinking ' I ' are individuals who tend to blame themselves for things that do not work properly . Conversely , individuals with a style of thinking ' not me ' , believes the explanation of external ( outside yourself ) for the error that occurred . 2 ) Permanent ( always - not always ) : pessimistic individuals tend to assume that a failure or adverse events will continue to take place . While individuals . optimists tend to think that he can do some things better on every occasion and look at failure as a temporary failure . 3 ) Pervasive ( all - not all ) : individual thinking style ' all ' , see setbacks or failures in one area of ​​life participated thwart other areas of life . Individuals with style berpikir'tidak all ' , to explain in detail the causes of the problems he was facing . The most resilient individuals are individuals who have cognitive flexibility and can identify all the causes significant problems they face without getting caught up in a particular explanatory style .
6 . Self-efficacy and Shatté Reivich (2002 ) defines self-efficacy as the belief in yourself to face and solve problems effectively . Self-efficacy also means believing themselves capable and success . Individuals with high self-efficacy is committed to solving the problem and will not give up when it finds that the strategies that are being used that did not work . According to Bandura (1994 ) , individuals who have high self-efficacy will be very easy in the face of challenges . Individuals do not feel hesitate because he has full confidence in her abilities . These individuals according to Bandura (1994 ) would quickly face the problems and was able to emerge from the failure he experienced .
7 . Increased positive aspects and Shatté According Reivich (2002 ) , resilience is the ability to cover the increase in the positive aspects of life . Individuals who increase the positive aspects of life , able to perform well on these two aspects , namely : ( 1 ) able to distinguish risk realistic and unrealistic , ( 2 ) has a meaning and purpose in life and be able to see the big picture of life . Individuals are always improving its positive aspects will be easier to overcome the problems of life , as well as play a role in improving interpersonal skills and emotional control ( Reivich and Shatte , 2002)

After reading line by line , paragraph by paragraph from the text above , we will know how important the resilience for and in our lives . Especially at this time of life there is a lot of pressure paced turns , a lot of exploration , globalization was already rampant . Yes .. although it is difficult to conduct resilience resilience let alone do well , but at least we know that resilience is not possible to be there and wrote only for theory in life . Each indivisu asti would think so , although directly or indirectly , because if not done resilience practice then we will be extinct by itself . Maybe the rough language is the individual life will be destroyed first. The style also think that has been mentioned above , it is a style we think over the years, of which one side is seen that the ineffectiveness of resilience in themselves and the other way around. That influence resilience in our lives . For more details, you try to understand more deeply about the psychology of personality resilience or other psychology books . ( )

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