Psychology and Education

Posted by Unknown Senin, 23 Desember 2013 0 komentar

In psychology and education , learning is commonly defined as a process that brings together cognitive , emotional , and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring , enhancing , or making changes to 's knowledge of , skills , values ​​, and worldviews ( Illeris , 2000; Ormorod , 1995) .

Learning as a process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place . An explanation of what happened is learning theories . Learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn , thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning . ( Wikipedia )

Constructivism Learning Theory

Construction constructive means , in the context of educational philosophy can be interpreted Constructivism is an effort to build the arrangement of modern civilized life.

Constructivism is the foundation of thinking ( philosophy ) contextual learning is that knowledge is built by humans bit by bit , the result is expanded through a limited context and not suddenly .

Knowledge is not a set of facts , concepts , or rules that are ready to be picked up and remembered . Man must construct knowledge and give real meaning through experience .

With the theory of constructivism students can think to resolve the problem , look for ideas and make decisions . Students will understand because they are directly involved in mebina new knowledge , they will be able mengapliklasikannya pahamdan in all situations . Selian that students engage directly with active , they will be remembered much longer all the concepts .

Posted by' Haryanto, S.Pd onNovember 3, 2010

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