Posted by Unknown Minggu, 15 Desember 2013 0 komentar

Humans are social beings , that man can not live without others . Life social , whose name certainly requires communication and we will be able to communicate with each other better if we understand each other's language . What is that language ?
According to cognitive psychologists , language is a communication system in which the thoughts sent through the medium of sound ( as in a conversation ) or symbols ( as in written words or physical cues ) . Means it is very clear , that since the baby even while still in the womb we have started speaking with intermediate physical cues that do by baby .
Need to have a speak a thousand words , which then made a sentence and come up with ideas that can be conveyed to others . One that can bring brilliant ideas to be a lot of knowledge and gained a lot of knowledge by reading one of them . The more we read , the more knowledge we can get . But, that the current interest in reading has declined. The reason is , because they do not understand in detail what is the importance of reading to our lives .
Reading is seeing and understanding the content of what is written ( with utter or only in the liver ) , spell or pronounce what is written , say , knowing , and then understand it . Many of the benefits we get from reading it , including :
1 . Reading can open up new horizons . Lots of new things to be found in a passage that had not been previously known to us.
2 . Reading can provide new insights in our thinking before. Let us difficulty in solving a problem , we expect to read without going to discover new insights of how to solve the problem.
3 . Reading is important because it can educate the intellectual , spiritual , emotional , and self-confidence .
4 . Reading can be an independent in the search for knowledge .
5 . Reading can provide its own pleasure for the soul . By reading , we can go anywhere , without being limited by space and time and liberate our dreaming mind .
6 . Reading can make life more successful .
So ... take frequent reading to broaden your knowledge . By reading we can know the state of the outside world that does not need to surround it . You already know what the significance of reading . If you want to have more confidence , then see for yourself from now on!!!

Quite so , hopefully this article can be useful!!!

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