
Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Many people who pursue achievements in all fields , they assess the ability of a person of trophies , awards for achievements that have been achieved .. but if we are to understand what exactly the nature of the sense of achievement itself, if we discuss about the sense of achievement that a lot of people who express opinions about definition achievement , both in the field of learning or any other field , here I am trying to gather some opinions on definition achievement of some sources ..
If by the term or proper grammar or EYD General or by Indonesian Dictionary ( 1996:186 ) " Definition The definition of achievement is a result that has been achieved ( done , done , and so on ) " .
According Nasrun Harahap found education skor, achievement is about the development and progress of students with regard to mastery learning material presented to students .
According to Abdul Qohar Khasan Mas'ud achievement is what has can make the work , pleasing results obtained by working tenacity . Achievement can be fixed in the history of human life as a life always pursue achievements in the field and respective capabilities . Learning achievement can give satisfaction to the people concerned , especially those who are studying in the realm of psychiatric school.Prestasi covering all changed as a result of the experience and the student's learning process .
Whereas According Sardiman AM ( 2001:46 ) " Achievement is a real ability that results from interactions between the various factors that influence both from inside and from outside the individual in learning" .
While the sense of achievement according to A. Tabarani ( 1991:22 ) " Achievement is the real capacity (actual ability) is accomplished individuals from one activity or effort " .
Meanwhile, according to WS Winkel ( 1996:165 ) " Achievement is evidence that the business has been achieved .
From the opinions of the above can be concluded that the definition of definition of achievement is a result that has been achieved as a proof of the efforts being made . The notion may be useful for you all 

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