Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
A Cognitive Sense.
Cognitive is one of the domains in the taxonomy of education. Generally refers to a cognitive intellectual potential which consists of stages: knowledge, comprehension, application (comprehention) (application), analysis (analysis), synthesis (sinthesis), evaluation (evaluation). The issue concerns the means of cognitive ability to develop rational ability (sense).
Cognitive theory emphasizes how a process or an attempt to optimize the ability of rational aspects that are owned by other people. Therefore, different with cognitive theory of behavioristik, which put more emphasis on this aspect of the ability to conduct manifested by the ability to respond to a stimulus that comes to him.
In everyday life we often hear the word cognitive. From the aspect of educators for example. A teacher is required to have cognitive competency. Meaning that a teacher must have intellectual ability, such as mastery of the subject matter, knowledge about how to teach, how to assess student knowledge and so on.
B. Development Of Cognitive
Piaget's theory of cognitive development is one of the menjelasakan theory of how children adapt and interpret objects and the events surrounding it. How children learn the features and functionality of objects such as toys, furniture, and food as well as social objects such as self, parents and friends. How do children grouped objects to find out similarities and perbedaan-perbedaannya, to understand the causes of the occurrence of a change in the objects and events and perisiwa to form an estimate of the object and the event.
Piaget looked at that play an active role in drawing up his knowledge about reality. Children are not passively receiving information. Although the process of thinking in the conception of the child about reality have been modified by experience with the surrounding world, but children also play an active role in interpreting the information he obtained through the experience, as well as in the mengadaptasikannya on knowledge and conception of the world that he's got.
Piaget believed that children's thinking evolves according to the stages or periods the priode growing complex. According to Piaget's stage theory, every individual will pass through a series of qualitative changes which are invariant, it is always fixed, do not jump or step down. This qualitative change occurs because the pressure to conform to the biological circles as well as the existence of an organized structure of thought. As one who gained a basic education in the field of exact sciences, that is biological, then approach and descriptions of his theory affected aspects of biology.
Piaget's theory of cognitive revolution is the root of the current emphasis on mental processes. Piaget takes the perspective of the organismik, which looked at cognitive development as a product of efforts to understand and act in their world. According to Piaget, cognitive development that started with the innate ability to adapt to the environment. With an innate ability that is biologically, Piaget observed the babies inherit a reflex-like reflexes reflexes suck. A reflex is very important in the first few months of their lives, but increasingly reduced their significance on further development.
Cognitive development or growth occurs through three interconnected processes, namely:
1. the organization.
Is a term that is used to integrate the knowledge into Piaget's system. In other words, the organization is a system of knowledge or way of thinking that is accompanied with a reality the more accurate imaging.
Example: the boy who was only 4 months to be able to stare and grasping objects. After that he tried to mengkombunasikan two of these activities (staring and grasping) and grasping objects that he saw.
In the cognitive system, organizations have a tendency to create cognitive structures are becoming increasingly complex. Cognitive structures called schemes. The scheme was organized behavior patterns that are used to think and take action in a particular situation. Example: the baby's sucking reflex movements of muscle movement on cheeks and lips that give rise to interesting movements.
2. the adaptation.
A great way for children to treat any new information with regard to what they already know. This adaptation is carried out by two steps, namely:
a. Assimilation
Is the term used to refer to the smelting of Piaget's new information into an existing cognitive structures. An individual is said to be in the process of adaptation through assimilation, if that individual incorporating new information he had received in the knowledge that they have been there.
Examples of cognitive assimilation: a child shown equilateral triangle, then after that another triangle which is shown right. Assimilation occurs if the child replied that the right triangle shown are the equilateral triangle.
b. Accommodation
Is the term used to refer to the Piaget changes happening on a cognitive structure in order to accommodate the new information. So, if the individual accommodation is said to conform to the new information. Through it, the cognitive structures that already exist in a person experiencing changes according to the stimulus-stimulus from its object.
Example: the child can answer right triangle on the triangle shown both.
c. Ekuilibrasi
That is a term that refers to the tendency to seek balance in the elements of cognition. Ekuilibrasi is defined as the ability of governing in the individual so that he was able to maintain balance and adjust to the environment. In order to ekuilibrasi between themselves with the environment, assimilating the events and accommodation must take place in an integrated, complementary and together.
Example: the baby usually gets the milk from mother's breast or bottle, then given milk with the glass closed (glass of drinking for exercise). When baby discovered that suck up water glasses require movements of the mouth and the tongue is different from the usual do when the milk from her mother, then the baby will accommodate it with the old scheme accommodation. In doing so, then the baby had done the adaptation to the schemes suck she had in a new situation which cups. Thus assimilation and accommodation are collaborating to produce equilibrium and growth.
C. The Stages Of Cognitive Development
According to Piaget, children's minds are shaped not by teaching adults or other environmental influences. Kids do have to interact with the environment to thrive, but it is they who build the new cognitive structures within him. Piaget also believed that individual through four stages in their understanding of the world. Each stage is associated with age and is composed of a distinctive way of thinking/different.
The stages of cognitive development in Piaget are as follows:
1. The Knowledge of the Motor.
This stage is the first stage. This stage starts from birth until the age of 2 years. At this stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences (such as seeing and hearing) with physical actions.
With the proper functioning of sensory tools as well as the ability to perform skills motor motion in the form of this reflex, then a baby are in a State ready to make relations with the world.
Piaget divided this into motor knowledge stage 6 period, namely:
a. Period 1: use of Reflex-Reflex (age 0-3 months)
The most obvious reflex in this period was sucking reflex (automatic baby suck whenever their lips touched) and reflex point stimulation in the head at a source of more precise and purposeful. For example, if his right cheek is touched, then he will move his head towards the right.
b. the period 2: Primary Circular Reactions (age 1-4 months)
This reaction occurs when babies face a new experience and tried to repeat it. Example: thumb sucking.
In the example the thumb sucking, the baby began to coordinate the 1). Motor movement of his hands and 2). The use of the function of vision to see the thumb.
c. the period 3: secondary Circular Reactions (age 4-10 months)
Primary circular reactions occur because it involves the coordination of parts of the body itself baby, whereas secondary circular reactions occur when the baby find and generate interesting events outside herself again.
d. Period 4: Coordination scheme-scheme skunder (age 10-12 months)
During this period, babies learn to coordinate two separate schemes to get results. Example: one day Laurent (Piaget) want to hug toy box, but Piaget put his hands in the middle of the net. At first hand his father ignored Laurent. He tried to break through or spun around it without shifting the hands of his father. When Piaget stay put his hands to block out his son, Laurent was forced to hit the toy box while waving, shaking up his own body and flicked his head from one side to the other. Finally after a few days of trying, Laurent managed to move a roadblock with a flick of his hand before cuddling toy box. In this case, Laurent managed to coordinate two separate schemes, namely: 1) Flicked to block 2). Cuddle toy box.
e. period of Tertiary Circular Reactions: 5 (age 12-18 months)
In the period 4, baby separates two measures to achieve a single result. In the period, this baby is experimenting with different actions to observe different results. Example: one day the tables are attracted by Laurent recently purchased the Piaget. He hit it with his Palm a few times. Sometimes soft and sometimes hard to hear the difference in sound is generated by his actions.
f. Period 6: the beginning of Thought (age 18-24 months)
In the period 5 all findings pass physical actions happen baby, in the period 6 baby seems to start to think in a more internal situation before finally acting. So, during this period, children begin to be able to think. in achieving environmental, during this period the child is already starting to be able to determine new ways that are not only based on physical rabaan and internally, but also with internal coordination in the description or rationale.
2. phase of pre-operational Thought
This stage is the age range of between 2-7 years. At this stage children begin to paint the world with words and images or symbols. According to Piaget, although pre school kids can symbolically depicts the world, but they still have not been able to carry out "Operation (operation)", i.e. mental actions internalized that lets kids do mentally previously done physically.
This phase difference with the previous stage is "the ability of the child to use the symbol". Use of the symbol for the child at this stage appears in five of the following symptoms:
a. indirect Imitation
Children begin to be able to describe something that is experienced or seen his, which now no longer exist. So thought the child was not limited by time now nor restricted by sensory actions now.
Example: the child can play pie-kuean yourself or play the market-market. This is a result of imitation.
b Symbolic Games.
The symbolic nature of the game is also imitatif, which is the child trying to imitate events that have ever experienced.
Example: girls who play with her dolls, as if her doll is her sister.
c. Drawing
At this stage it is a bridge between symbolic play with the mental picture. Items on the symbolic games lies in terms of "pleasure" in a child's drawing. While her mental picture elements located on "efforts to start imitating something riel".
Example: the child begins to draw something with a pencil or other writing instrument.
d. a Mental picture
The representations of an object or experience thoughts of yesteryear. A mental picture of children at this stage is mostly static. Children still have a systematic error in the lyrics back movement or transformation that he observed.
The example used Piaget is a row of five marbles are white and black.
e. English
Children using voice or language as a representation of objects or events. Through the language children can communicate with others about the events to others.
3. the operating stage of Concrete thinking
This stage is the age range of 7-11 years. this stage is characterized by the development of a system of thought based on the logical rules. The child had developed a logical operation. Important processes during this stage are:
a. Sorting
Namely the ability to sort objects according to size, shape, or other traits. For example, when given a different size objects, they can sort of sleds to the least.
b. Classification
The ability to name and identify sets of objects according to appearance, size or other characteristic, including the idea that a set of objects can include other objects into the circuit. Children no longer have the limitations of logic in the form of animism (the notion that all living things and feel).
c. Decentering
The child begins to consider several aspects of a problem to solve it. For example, the child will no longer consider the wide but short Cup a little more than a small glass of its height.
d. Reversibility
The child begins to understand that the numbers or objects can be modified, then return to the initial state. To that end, children can quickly determine that 4 + 4 equals 8, 8-4 will equal 4, the number of before.
e. Conservation
Understanding that quantity, length or number of items is unrelated to the arrangement or appearance of the object or objects. For example, if the child were given glasses that are the same size and its contents just as much, they would know when the water is poured into a glass that size is different, the water in the glass it will remain just as much with the contents of the glass.
f. egocentrism
The ability to see things from other people's point of view (even when people are thinking the wrong way). For example, the Lala store doll in the box, then leave the room, then move the doll Baim into a drawer, after that, Lala returned to the room. Children in the concrete operations stage will say that Lala would still consider it in the doll's box even though it knew that the doll has been moved into the drawer by the Baim.
4. Formal thought Operation Stage
Formal operational stage is the last period of cognitive development in Piaget's theory. This stage begins to be experienced in child age 11 years and continues into adulthood. The characteristics of this stage is acquired the ability to think abstractly, others are allegorical; logically, and drawing conclusions from the information available.
In this stage, one can understand such things as love, logical proof, and value. Seen from biological factors, this stage occurs when puberty (when the various other major changes), marking its entry into the world of adults is physiological, cognitive, moral reasoning, psikoseksual development, and social development. Some people do not fully reach the development until this stage, so he did not have the thinking skills as an adult and fixed using concrete operational stage of reasoning.
At this stage, adolescents have had the ability to think systematically, i.e. can think of all the possibilities to solve a problem. Example: when the car is blown down, so if the passenger is a child who is still in the stage of concrete thinking operations, he will conclude that the petrol. She just connects so result of one series only. Otherwise on teens who are at the stage of formal thinking, he'll think of some possible causes the car to crash. It could be because businya died, or because of platinanya, etc.
A teenager at this stage already had a high ekuilibrum, so that he can bepikir flexibly and effectively, as well as capable of dealing with complex issues. Teens can think flexible because it can see all the elements and the possibility is there. And teens can think effectively because it can see the thoughts which are suitable for the matter at hand.
D. Implementation Of Piaget's Theory Of Cognitive Development In Learning
In this role, hail an educator is absolutely vital. Some implementations that must be known and applied are as follows:
1. Focus on the process of thought or mental processes are not just on its products. In addition to the truth of the answers students, teachers must understand the process used the child so that the answers to.
2. introduction and recognition of the role of children is important in self initiative and active involvement in the learning kegaiatan. Piaget in the classroom presentation material so (ready made) not given emphasis, and children are encouraged to discover for himself through the spontaneous interaction with the environment.
3. do not put emphasis on practices that are directed to kids like adults in his thinking.
4. acceptance of individual differences in the progress of development, Piaget's theory assumes that all children develop through the same developmental sequence but they acquire it with different speeds.
Mukhlis, Hirmaningsih, 2010, Teori Psikologi Perkembangan, Pekanbaru. Penerbit: Psikologi Press 01 Maret 2013 9:04:06 Kognitif Psikologi Perkembangan Jean Piaget/01 Maret 2013 9:05:32
Mukhlis, Hirmaningsih, 2010, Teori Psikologi Perkembangan, Pekanbaru. Penerbit: Psikologi Press 01 Maret 2013 9:04:06 Kognitif Psikologi Perkembangan Jean Piaget/01 Maret 2013 9:05:32
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