Cognitive Psychology: Thinking Stages "Creative"

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 13 Desember 2013 0 komentar

Creative turned out to have a structured process stages. Creative also has an important role in our daily lives. Creative or commonly referred to as creativity as one important component in education. Creativity has the sense of a cognitive activity that results in a new view on a form issue and not limited to the results of the pragmatic (always regarded by its usefulness). Based on these definitions, the process of creativity is not only limited to just produce something useful, though some people find some creative invention.

Based on the history of cognitive psychology, Wallas (in Solso, 2008) explains that there are four stages in the creative process, namely:

1. Preparation, Formulating a problem and make the initial effort to solve it.

2. Incubation period in which no attempt was made to solve the problem directly and momentarily diverted attention to other things.

3. Illumination, gain insight (deep understanding) of the problem.

4. Verification, testing the understanding that has been gained and create solutions.

Model 4 stages of the creative process Wallas has provided a conceptual framework for analyzing creativity.

The first phase, which started in this case is to formulate a problem and try to solve it. An example is when we are faced with a problem to cross the river rather wide with a fairly heavy flow, we have some solution to cross it. We have time to cross it with a try out of what we Think for a way out.

The second stage, this stage incubation why creative ideas do not arise in a period where we juatru not think of the problem? generally pragmatic answer to this question is that most of the time that we Milki in our lives, we spend with things that are less demanding us to think creatively like the streets, watching tv, sunbathing.

Posner (1973) provide several hypotheses regarding the incubation stage. one stage of incubation. One of the statements regarding the incubation stage that this stage can free us from the mind-mind tiring due to the problem-solving process. Forgetting the issue of weight in a while can help us find new ideas that are better suited to solve the problem. can we know the so-called "functional fixedness" (functional determination) can inhibit the process of problem solving. Phase inubasi also help us in the creative process, because this stage we dpat actually solve the problem without us knowing. This was expressed by William James, that "we learn to swim in the winter and ice-skate in the summer". So, stop the process of solving the problem for a while can help us to recast our thoughts on the issues we face.

The third phase of the illumination or enlightenment stage, this stage does not trigger illumination. At the time of illumination occurs, the path of light to the problems began to open. Someone will feel the sensation of great joy, because it increases understanding, all ideas emerge, and these ideas complement each other to solve a problem, every breakthrough creative ideas emerge at this stage, the invention of the telephone, the flow of a story and more Another is an example of how to meet the illumination stage of a person's mind.

The final stage is the verification stage, after an idea / solution is obtained, then the idea or the solution to be tested. This stage is the stage to test a product of the creative process to prove its legitimacy. Verification stage is generally shorter than sebelunya stages, because this stage is only to test and review the results of the calculation of a person, or it could be to see whether the invention worked. But in many cases it takes time to do more research or reconsideration. (Solso, RL et al, (2008). Cognitive psychology. Jakarta: erlangga)

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