Social Interaction

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 20 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Humans are social beings, in addition to it as individual beings. As individual human beings have the motive or impulse to make contact with itself, while as social human beings have the urge to make contact with other people. Humans have a social boost. Like what was said by McClelland (Crider, 1983). With the encouragement or social motives in humans, then humans would find someone else to make contact or interaction hold. So, there will be interaction between the human one with another human being.
Social interaction is a relationship between one individual with another individual, the individual can affect one individual to another, or vice versa. So there is a reciprocal relationship. The relationship can be between individuals with individuals, groups of individuals, or groups with the group.
In the social interaction there is the possibility that individuals can adjust to the other, or vice versa. Understanding adjustment here in a broad sense, namely that the individual can merge with the surrounding circumstances, or otherwise individuals can change the environment in accordance with the state within the individual, in accordance with what is desired by the individual. by Muhlisin (12410132)

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