My little one Azka . . . . .

Posted by Unknown Senin, 16 Desember 2013 0 komentar

I will tell a little bit about my little brother . . . . .
When I have a sister my nephew for the first time . Let's call him Azka , I always pay attention to its development over the years , because Azka born on October 19, 2012 .

Although I could only see him on Saturday and Sunday , or could so normally I do not go home until 2 weeks , what I do is always wondering to father , mother and my brothers over the development Azka . Because here I just have one sister nephew , so I always pay attention to its development .

Here I observed some of the developments in the theory of development kogntifnya Azka Jean Piaget (1896-1980) whose theories became the basis for the development of psychology in the modern era .

When Azka aged 0 to date ( 1 year ) , the period of development Piaget , this year called the stage ( period ) Sensorimotor . At this stage is characterized by congenital bersiwat responses and reflexes be unintentional , such as sucking . Often I find Azka sucking his fingers , especially the thumb , although we ( my family ) have drawn / releasing the thumb sucking , not long after going back Azka meghisap thumb . According to this development easier and that's what's most convenient for him to do.

When Azka was about 3/4 months, he began to get to know other people . That is when Azka invited by the person who thinks a foreigner, he would start crying . And when Azka about 8-12 months old , he began to imitate the things done by adults . He began also mengeksperikan simple emotions .

Scientific evidence suggests that babies have a memory of the event as well as its ability to form concepts ( Mandler & McDonough , 1998) in the book Solso , et al (2008 ) .
A little of this knowledge may be useful for us all ...

Reference : Solso , Robert L , et al . , 2008. Cognitive Psychology ( eighth edition ) . New York: McGraw .

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