Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
In psychology and education, learning in General is defined as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influence and experience to acquire, improve, or create perubahan's a knowledge, skills, values, and world views (Illeris, 2000; Ormorod, 1995).
Learning as a process focuses on what happens when learning is taking place. An explanation of what happened is the theories of learning. Learning theory is an attempt to describe how people and animals learn, thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. (Wikipedia)
A Variety of Learning Theory
There are three main categories or philosophical framework of theories of learning, namely: Behaviorism, learning theory, learning theory, kognitivisme learning theory, and Constructivism. Learning theory of Behaviorism focused solely on objective observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-based learning. And Constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively build or builds new ideas or concepts.
1. Learning Theory of Behaviorism.
Behavioristik theory is a theory proposed by Gage and Berliner about the change of behavior as a result of the experience. This theory was then developed into an influential stream of learning psychology of the direction of the development of the theory and practice of education and learning that is known as a flow of behavioristik. This emphasis on the formation of flow behaviour that appears to be the result of learning.
The theory of behavioristik with the model of stimulus-response was, his people are learning as individuals who are passive. A particular behaviours or responses by using the method of training or conditioning alone. The rise of behavior will get stronger when given reinforcement and will disappear when the penalty.
2. The Theory of Study cognitivisme
Cognitive learning theories began to develop in the last century as a protest against the behavior of the theory have been developed previously. The cognitive Model has a perspective that learners process infromasi and lessons through its efforts to organize, store, and then find the relationship between the new knowledge with existing knowledge. This Model places emphasis on how information is processed.
Researchers who developed the cognitive theory is Ausubel, Bruner, and Gagne. The third of these researchers, each had a different emphasis. Ausubel emphasized on apsek management (organizer) who had a major influence on learning.Bruner's work on classification or the provision of a form of the concept as an answer to how learners gain information from the environment.
3. The Learning Theory of Constructivism
Construction means it is building, in the context of philosophy of education constitute a Constructivism is an effort to build a modern civilized living arrangement.
Constructivism is the Foundation of thinking (philosophy) konstektual learning that knowledge is constructed by men little by little, the results of which extended through the limited context and not sekonyong-konyong.
Knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts, or rule that is ready to be picked and remembered. Man should mengkontruksi that knowledge and give meaning through real experiences.
The theory of Constructivism students can think to solve the problem, look for the ideas and make decisions. Students will better understand because they are directly involved in the mebina new knowledge, they will be more pahamdan able to mengapliklasikannya in all situations. The Selian students engage directly with active, they will remember the longer all concepts.
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