How We Understand The World

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 10 Desember 2013 0 komentar

The simplest form of thinking is the recognition of the object being viewed. The most complicated shape of thought is a comprehensive intuition of someone who sees all things as part of a system-plateau.

How old are you today ? 17 years then? or even 71 years ? Whatever your age I'm sure there are many things you have seen in your life . Today only , for example , how many objects you have seen ? It must be very much not . Then how you able to recognize so many objects that you saw this so quickly and without thinking means?

Solso in his book Cognitive Psychology suggests that "Our ability to recognize the types of objects that are familiar to us is an admirable characteristic of human beings . These capabilities enable us to recognize a friend in the midst of a group of people , to recognize a song just from a few tones that we hear , read sentences , recognize the taste of certain drinks , or aware of the scent of a rose".
Our brains are amazing awesome , how objects in the world we will be responsive , we identify and we save the system is set up neatly in our brains . How do we capture objects naturally through the senses , we have five senses which is commonly called the five senses . The five senses is the sense of sight ( eyes ) , the sense of hearing ( ears ) , the senses of smell ( nose ) , the sense of taste ( tongue ) and the sense of touch ( skin ) .Once the objects in our world our brain response and the identification of what - what has been sensed earlier , the process of identification of object recognition is what the name implies , this is where we begin to recognize the world . For example, how do you keep you recognize a friend even though he was in the midst of a group of people ? How are you able to quickly and spontaneously recognize your friend?

Again and again in his book Cognitive Psychology Solso explain this phenomenon , we are still able to recognize friends , family , girlfriend , or even our enemies even though they are in the midst of a bunch of people because our brain has a system called " template matching " , this system works like a lock and key analogy . Template is experience throughout our lives is analogous to a lock while the key is that we received a new stimulus . We still recognize our friend even though he was in the middle of a bunch of people because we have the template on our friends, is what makes us confused and still do not recognize it . It's just like you still recognize your best friend even though he wears a different attribute than usual , you still know though he wore glasses or not , or a loose bun and so on.

Talk abaout your friend, what you think of first when I asked you to describe how the physical appearance of your best friend ? It could be like this instead of " She's beautiful , white , sharp nose , rosy cheeks , height about 160 cm , long hair , and usually wear a shirt when college " , consciously or not all the description you give of your best friend is what is visible from front , not from behind , above or even below . Why is that ?
What you described about your friend earlier is the best viewpoint for you to describe the object or your best friend , in cognitive psychology is called the canonical perspective . Canonical perspective is the best viewpoint to represent ( describe ) an object , or an image (image ) that first come to mind when considering a form and ( Solso : 2007) .

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