B U n T D

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
ever whether you recognize objects without having to first tau tau ​​as a whole ? or have you ever hard to recognize something if only part of it - certain parts of it you know ? . surely everyone must have experienced more or less the thing . this is certainly pertinent in our cognition process of how we perform the perception of an object we have ever observed .

of several theories related to object recognition , there is the so-called bottom -up processing and top down processing . The first theory Bottom - up , the theory proposes that the introduction at the start by the identification of a specific part of a pattern piece , which became the basis for the overall pattern recognition . then the theory of top - down , the theory proposes that the process initiated by the introduction of a hypothesis about the identity of a pattern , which is followed by an introduction to the parts of the pattern, based on previous assumptions have been made .

for more details by following simple example , object recognition based on the theory of top - Down , in the example you give one piece of the picture of some pieces of the image , which when united into a whole picture , and when asked whether the picture , you have difficulty in answering and The next piece you need , can even require the entire piece . and if the entire image has united you can mengtahui about the image object . then a simple example of a bottom- up theory , in the example you give one piece of the picture of a piece of the picture , eg only the tails , but without seeing the pieces of the next picture you can know that it is a cat without having to bring together all parts of the image .

Reference : Solso , Robert L. Cognitive dkk.2007.Psikologi kedelapan.Jakarata edition : McGraw

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