Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

In the growth and development of children , the parents lah main component responsible for the process. If we look at the concept of the individual is born tabularasa earth like a blank sheet of paper depending on how environmental markers scribbled on the blank paper .

Parents are responsible for the development and growth of the child must be really careful in acting . Be careful in making a conclusion . So that what is done can be an example for their children .

In addition to being an example of the treatment process conducted by the parents in their children can also affect the health and psychological condition of children in the future . Example in the case , told by one of the media sites said that a study conducted by experts at the University of California says that the potential for health problems especially psychological age children grow up very tall parents affected by the treatment his future . It is said that this happens because the child reminded stress about what is done to her by her parents when she was young . Child's memory in capturing the new code will be faster stand- in his brain . Jiak stored is a negative experience then the child will try to forget the experience , but the more he tried the more aamelupakan shadows haunt the incident that actually make them as if they occur again in the present .

In Solso , 2008 said that there denagn called episodic memory , which is a neurocognitive memory system that allows a person to remember the events of his past . It means the memories of those special experiences to form episodic memories . Episodic memory is highly susceptible to change and forgetfulness , but pennting role as a basic introduction to the events that we have encountered in the past .

According to the theory of development that exists in Hurlock , 1980 said that during the early days of childhood are very strong emotions . Currently merupan current imbalance karen children " out of focus " in the sense he easily carried the emotional explosions making it difficult to sibimbing and directed .

Although every emotion can be enhanced in the sense that the emotions that arise more often and more strongly than usual given individual , but the emotions are elevated in childhood characterized by strong outbursts of rage , a great fear , and envy that makes no sense .

Children younger experience almost any type of emotion that is normally experienced by adults . However , stimuli that evoke emotions and how to express emotions very different children . Note the emotional patterns associated with fear as fear , anxiety , and shame . The feeling is generally not important until the end of childhood , when relationships with peers and adults outside the home are more common and more conspicuous than in early childhood Masan .

So for the parents do not need to be extra careful in acting , either in front of or behind the child so that what is done is not a virus for their own children later in life

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