Values ​​in Children and Development Cooperation

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Development of moral orientation found in Hardman 's three children EBD reflected an understanding of the rules that have been disepakati.Struktur cognitive development cooperation support generally appears at the age of 5 years and reach peak development before the age of 9 or 10 years except in the case of children whose economic status weak or show serious antisocial behavior . Various studies have found that the development of cooperation will vary and in some cases not at all developed with the assumption that anything that hinders learning opportunities for children to participate in society will slow the progression of their cooperation and even inhibit the emergence of behavioral autonomy in adolescence . EBD children in the study aged between 9 to 12 years old with certain characteristics . Interviews showed that 90 % of the 375 assessment refers to the normative rules and only the remaining 10% refers to the collaboration . Henry and Jessie in this case tends to obey to avoid punishment and Violet is consistent with the orientation of solidarity and praise .
Children do not always judge by the rules of normative or moral orientation egocentric . Facts show that 10 % more leads their assessment on the orientation of cooperation and solidarity is the concept of friendship or their value option . Right or wrong , people will bear the burden and enjoy the benefits together . In this case , Hardman quotes some expert views and one of them is the view of Piaget (1932/1965) which identified solidarity as a cognitive phenomenon that is important in the development of moral independence on condition that understand the rules of the agreement . Child's behavior is essentially unpredictable even though they know right from wrong or be able to apply the rules of appropriate social behavior . This is thought antas not justify that behavior and judgment is not related but just explain that this relationship is mediated by the social context itself ( cited by Hardman of Damon , 1988) .

References :

Hardman , E.L. ( 2011) . " Three Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Tell Why People Do Right " , International Journal of Special Education , Vol 27 ( 1 ) , 2011. Downloaded on March 15, 2012 from
Unesco . (1994 ) . The SalamancaStatement andFramework for Action on Special Needs Education , World Conference on Special Needs Education : Access and Quality . Salamanca, Spain , 7-10 June 1994.

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