just relax, take it easy

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
TRI WINARNI ( 12410058 )

Maybe this word is the most fitting word in this life 'managements . When we have the term " relax " should’nt  be made ​​strenuous life but relaxed in the sense not oversimplify everything. Relaxed but serious , although still relaxed but also influential and engaging in activities that could give rise to significant progress in life. Do not ever tell when someone 's life brought so relaxed aja even inspired to lazy gag -eater 's house looking for his job every morning bustle genjreng only obvious gag - genjreng guitar in front of the house and if we like it every day sure our neighbors directly say " Astaghfirullah " .. uupppsss . Differentiate relaxed and lazy sense of it clearly has a far different meaning of the word . Originally whether that is relaxed , but if lazy adalaha keblabasan relaxing . You know you have often heard the saying " life is God's choice that determines " . The purpose of life is only one of two streams , the first stream angel can cause prosperity in the world and the Hereafter when we can run with the true meaning and effectiveness when acquiring a second flow stream that is the demon that could bring major disaster to our lives and when we continue menumbuh expand this trend can also be a follower of others contracting this flow when the flow is actually very - very quickly and easily avoided but for the bait thrown at this flow . So , , let's stay away from " FLOW SATAN " it . We as humans can only continue to work and strive to be better than ever and working resignation but we can not forget we strive not for worldly life is only temporary in nature or can be termed in this world passenger or later that we seek knowledge , seek , piled up good, and all macamnya merely to get Barokah and Ridho from our creator who created this world and its contents . We can not fall asleep or fall asleep with earthly paradise to forget there is another surge next surge that is much better , perfect , beautiful , grace can not be compared with anything in the world until whenever .

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