Visual attention

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

So far , we have focused on the spec - auditory aspects of attention , but the whole sensory experience that is controlled by the direction of attention . Tresimen and julesz hypothesized that two different processes work in visual attention . In the first stage there pross aawal , praatentif processes that scan the visual field and quickly detect the main features of objects , such as size , color , orientation ( direction ) , and movement . if any . Then , according to treismen , the characteristics of the different encoded in the map feature (feature map ) , located in different areas in the cortex . Since the appearance of the original idea Broadbent of attention in the 1950s , which not only affect a generation of researchers ( including Treisman ) , but it is also important for the development of a limited -capacity information pemrosesa models , a dozen or more theories have been proposed , which kesemuannya modify or attacking ideas gagsan Broadbent . Unfortunately, some experts consider broedbent theory wrong theory " one of two " , the theory that sees certain information processed canals or other channels . Characterizing such mistaken . Brodbent ( 1958 ) writes " once again we can not simply say " someone received some information from the ear which does not even get full attention : even so there are limits on the amount that can be processed , and the details are ignored stimulsai dar ears , do not mind " . No single theory of attention that can replace the original theory Broadbent , although a large number of studies have memantu clarify specific issues involved in human attention .
Solso , Robert L. Cognitive Psychology . Jakarta : Eirlangga 2008

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