Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Before the man can see intangibles or in his form, human beings have the arrangement the arrangement that make up his body scientifically. The man starts from growing cells from cells these cells form a network, the network formed from the organ, organ of the composed organ systems. the organ systems of the body is formed. But there is failure a failure in growing cells thus affecting the performance of organ systems. The number of cells which are present in or on the human body's natural father had the duty and function of each flower grows in the role of the human body itself, such as nerve cells or neurons. The Neuron is the cell is reserved to serve as the sender of the information or data through the nervous system to send to the nerve centers in the human brain and spinal cord. nerve cells have the parts or send it like Dendrite, cell nucleus or cell body and Axon. Dendrite is shaped like a tree that has a trunk, branches, and twigs and served as receiving stimulus or impulse. the cell body is in charge of maintaining the basic condition of neurons. The body cells receive nutrients and eliminate waste, organic waste that goes in the body cells. Normally the Lysosomes responsible for consuming or wipe out organic wastes substances substances but in this case the cells in the body wall into place filtering of sewage organic wastes are not needed in this Axon cell body. a long tube-shaped line, which connects the body cells with other cells that have cell gap junctions are called synapses in the axons of these axons in myelin cover. On duty or useful for accelerating the neural impulse insulation. The end of the axon is the terminal end of the striped prasinaptik. The terminal point is near the surface of the dendrite of another neuron at the. Chemical information exchange in charge of synapses of neurons to other neurons in the form of a chemical called a neurotransmitter. Electric charge in the axon, Dendrite reaches when electricity, neurotransmitters in the release. So in essence the cell this interconnected nerve cells to transmit information to the brain nerve center sisitem or spinal cord, to supply a response then usually a motor or motion is reflected. As in the example when the end of the day we are burning, it is reflected we will be hand-picked to avoid fire or heat as burning, because this motion is reflected so central system on duty to handle this affair is the central nervous system of the spinal cord resulting directly give impulse to do motion is reflected is hand-picked to avoid danger. This is one of motion performance nerves.

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