love in our brains

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Without us knowing it turns out that there are processes in the human brain is very complicated , even though it was just the process of how to pronounce a word . Not many people are willing to think about it , most of them assume that all that can be expressed by humans is normal and happens automatically . They never think how the components of the process, and the brain work together with each other in our bodies .
We know that the mind and body are two different substances . This is exemplified by Descartes ( Rene Descartes , the 16th century French philosopher ) about a man who involuntarily put his hand near the fire . When the heat stung his hand , the man immediately pulled his hand without thinking again . In this case Descartes believed in a kind of " filament " ( thread ) that connects the hand to the brain . In the example above , the heat moves sengantan " filament " that activates the brain , and the brain releases a fluid that makes attractive arms palms of the fire ( Solso , et al , 2008 ) .
What about the feeling of " love " , is the feeling of " love " is also produced by the brain ?
The answer , of course, the feeling of " love " is produced by the brain because all behavior is visible and not visible by the human brain is a thought of including feelings of " love " . Some previous philosophers argue that the only real world is the world of the mind , while the physical world is an illusion . In contrast , some other philosophers think that the only real world is the physical world , while the world is just a form of thought process ( by-product ) of the activities that occur in the brain . Therefore the Mind - Body Issues unresolved to this day as views on love ( Solso , et al , 2008) .
In essence our brain system has a very complex structure and of course very difficult if only imagined without a systematic study followed the procedure as has been done by us earlier by scientists . In conclusion , any act which actually produced by our bodies through a process of brain performance . Why have we still deny it ? ? ?

Referensi :
-          Solso, Robert L. dkk. 2008. Psikologi Kognitif Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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