Really Love the Only Problem Perception

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
"The word is located in the heart of love poets. Although hidden, but the vibration seems once. He was able to affect the mind as well as controlling the action. Indeed, Love can turn bitter into sweet, turning dust gold, cloudy became clear, sick are healed, the prison into the lake, pain into pleasure, and anger into mercy. Love is able to soften iron, destroys coral reefs, raised the dead and breathed life into him and made ​​a slave leader. Here dasyatnya love (Jalaluddin Rumi). "

Love is a simple word of five letters strung LOVE. so simpel like that? Yes. It's that simple word love strung. But do you ever wonder the meaning behind these words. Love is a word that has a myriad definition and interpretation, in history, love is a word that is defined by many millions of people in the world, ranging from students, minstrels, beggars, president, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, to people who do not able to read and write too, has its own definition of love.

So special? It seems that this is so buddy. Special as the sun warms the earth is always faithful, never a second too late to come share the light for all beings who love him. As special land that always volunteered himself to remain silent and became the foundation for all beings in the universe.

 Love is always hard to explain his reasoning, because he moves like a magic that conjure whom he greeted. "Yes, once again I'm speechless speechless when should menuturkannya you, millions of words of love beautifully etched perfectly able to disappear in a moment if I look into your eyes only". Yes this is love. Not all capable revealed word. However, a smile already said more than enough for all.

Will never be endless indeed if we talk of love. Ocean basin drain it. But if it is true love is the most interesting topics in a pair of times. In every civilization there is always a remarkable love story that tells us how terrible is his strength. For the example Taj mahal, the magnificent building which has a long historical marvelous Mughal Dynasty built above ground. Built with precision, emotion and amazing architectural art. An architecture of love that became the most beautiful buildings in the world seemed to tell us how wonderfull love Shah Jehan for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. On the other hemisphere was no story no less insightful, incredible love story, which is blinding and destroy, love and soul destroying a strong and handsome young man named Qais, yes that's the love story of Laila Majnun. Love that destroys both of them.

When we contemplate the basket for a moment of history and the stories above. Would love to have seen how the power of two different poles. In one hand he started, but in the other hand he was devastatedhe can braced, he also can able to destroy. Love is magic tub, only with Voila he was able to unite the world, even to destroy it, just a matter of seconds afford implemented. That is love, which gives a sense of incredible power. Then why such a form can range? Perception is our cause, the force will be directed where our perception is also its guide. 

In the end love is inseparable from the problem of perception. How can love be interpreted, nurtured and watered, or even buried deeply in all just a matter of perception. How love is defined and maintained also depends on our perception of who owns it. Love being able to have millions of interpretations and meanings because people who feel cintapun have different perceptions millions, millions of different cultural backgrounds and millions upon millions of other things that affect the human perception.

Perception is the process of perceiving objects so as to leave the impression, or more away perception is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information to provide meaning. This perception then greatly affect how a person's reaction or action against the world (Laura A. King: 2012). This perception is processed according to our knowledge of the world, according the culture, expectations, and even adapted to people with us at that time. Solso (2008) in his book also explained that the perception is influenced by the knowledge that we had before, the hypothesis that we arrange and our prejudices. In short, perception is the way we view the world.

How we fell in love, attracted to someone and decided to have a relationship with him was very influenced by perception. You are living in a family which upholds the moral and ethical values ​​are much less likely to be able to fall in love with peacandu drugs or theft, for example. Why is that, because the brain you have arranged the scheme that (sorry) a drug addict or a thief is a person who has a personal or character that "less" in accordance with the values ​​that you hold so far, or even more extreme perception of you say that drug addicts or thieves are bad people. How perceptions are formed? Perceptions are formed from experiences or knowledge-knowledge that you had before, knowledge-knowledge that you can have through the internalization of the values ​​in your family, where you live culture, lessons at school or television and so forth.

Furthermore, how do you respond when greeted love? Is different from each of us. What makes it different? Again it is a matter of perception. You were born in America or I was born in Indonesia will be different in expressing their love. I am a Muslim with non-Muslim you must also differ in interpreting love. Even when a breakup or when unrequited love, you who have a superficial perception of life may be doing silly things like jump from the highest building in your town or at least drink Baygon orange flavored syrup. But when you have a good perception of life, of course you would be wise to behave and act. When a breakup you may be equally jump, but the difference is not jumping off a tall building but could be jumping rope with your friends or jumping on a trampoline to drive a sense of disappointment.
The essence of the point is that perception takes the helm in the main course of our lives, no matter of love. To whom we fall in love, how we interpreted it, we maintain and direct how your love never separated from perception intervention. Indeed Allah has stressed in the Qur'an surah An-Nur verse 26 that, "The women are vile for vile men, and vile men are for vile women (as well), and good women are for good men and good men are for good women (too). They (the accused) was clean from what was alleged by them (the accused's). For them forgiveness and a noble rizki (heaven). "
Guys, if love is greatly influenced perception, let us build a perception as well and as straight as possible. In order for an undirected love crush on poles, but the poles are perfect trending and save. With the best possible perception of the miraculous power of love may be able to direct us to be able to achieve personal extraordinary things, like Shah Jehan who made ​​history by the splendor of love Taj Mahal, a historic building which even included in the 7 wonders of the world. And may we not love one direction mate. Hopefully.

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