Subhanallah, Our Perceptions Is Same!!!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

I want to tell you a little story about my experience that day were amazing. This week was my group's turn for a presentation in class. The presentation about of Cognitive Psychology courses. The course is held on Thursday October 3, 2013, at 07.00 pm, was held at the B R.212 (UIN Maliki Malang).

When the presentation, we provide simulations of the material that we say. At the beginning of the presentation, we give the simulation by asking the audience as props. One time, one of our current simulations give three audience asked to draw a house freely. Then was asked to draw the results collected. So, what happened? Results draw audiences alike! Drawing audiences home with the same perspective, using perspective drawing looks ahead. Not a side, middle, edge, down, up, or oblique.

When asked why the audience seemed to draw a house with a front perspective? Audience responded that comes to mind when it was drawing is a form of home front and they think the home form is the most convenient form. How can the perception of the same audience? That question will be answered by the theory of object recognition by canonical perspective. In everyday life there are thousands of stimuli that we caught, but not all the stimuli we give more attention so that we are able to recognize what object has given stimuli on us. In the process of the introduction of an object, there is an alternative that is most often used by humans. Much as the audience in the upper third, the use of alternative canonical perspective. Canonical perspective (canonic perspective) is the best point of view to represent (describe) an object, or an image (image) that first come to mind when you are given a form (Solso, 2007).

The theory is similar to what is experienced by the audience that they draw match what first comes to mind when terstimulus and making the most easily recognizable form. Why is this so? Because that first appears is the result of our previous knowledge of the storage objects, develop a permanent memory of the most representative appearances and performances that give the most information. Easy, first thing comes to our mind is a common thing we know.

Does not rule out the possibility that each person has a different perception or perspective in their mind to describe something. However, to explain the lack of a canonical image requires a longer reaction time. It is caused by several factors, namely:

a. There are fewer parts of the object can be identified.
b. Best display (canonical) is prevalent view that we see.
c. Canonical view is a display of the most ideal.

Well! After being briefed on how perception can be just a few individuals to an object, then we know that humans in general using canonical alternative perspectives in the process of object recognition. Therefore, this perspective is more easy to do and a short time due to susceptible (something that first comes to mind) showed that the reflex in practice. That is the uniqueness and advantages than the canonical perspective. Just a suggestion to all my friends, we better illustrate something through a canonical perspective, because denagan amount of information that we can further allows us to recognize objects and interpret them. Subhanallah! that's how science explains how each individual have the same perception of an object.

After exposure to the perspective ended, a group of us went back presentations on object processing. Actually canonical perspective is not the only way in Mengnali objects, but many other alternatives that can help us in recognizing objects. Among these are, visual pattern recognition, Gestalt Theory, Processing Buttom-Up and Top-Down, template matching, feature analysis and prototype matching.

That explanation of how human beings have the same perspective through a canonical perspective. May be useful.

Sources: Solso, Robert L et al, (2007), Cognitive Psychology, New York: McGraw


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