cognitive psychology and the secrets of human brain

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Allah has created human beings in perfect shape . that's how He speaks through his firm in the Quran . It is evident that human beings are creatures of God 's creation is composed of the sharing of complex and intricate system , in addition to the human body consists of billions of cells are arranged in a structured and has an appropriately programmed functions . One part of the human body is complex designations and has a very important function in the human body is the brain .
The brain is the control center and control center that is composed of human behavior in a structured and organized . The human brain is normal and healthy has about 200 billion nerve cells, are connected to one another via Hundreds of trillions of synapses ( iyan hernanata , 2003) . When Viewed in terms of its physiological human brain consists of the brain ( the cortex ) , midbrain ( limbic system) and the back of the brain or brain stem . - This part has the function of this part of the brain that goes in harmony between one part and another . Parts of the human brain or cortex has the function as the center of analysis , rationality and duty to solve a problem or as the center of human control . Human brain as the center of the middle manager or a feeling of emotion , while the rear or reptilian brain serves as the unconscious .
In understanding the brain as a whole , can be described in the following When Humans perform an activity in it without using logic or analysis or activities that are not aware of such a small example of when a person is sleeping , it is an activity that is based on the brain activity behind . While the central brain is the center of emotion , motivation , and attention . The third part of the brain is the brain or cortex served as the central control or decision analysis related to human behavior , in addition to the front of the human brain is also responsible for Determining the behavior of products derived from the stimulus that has been accepted by the human sensory nerves .
Aside from being the center of intelligence and of human emotion is next being. the management system in the human brain cortex , limbic and brain stem Humans are an Inseparable unity Because it has complementary functions . The human brain also has an extremely unique and amazing secrets .. For that we need the science that is consistent in researching and uncovering of vital organs for Humans , the brain . In this case there needs to be an understanding of the exact sciences like neuroscience Neuroscience is the science that studies human self as a process that takes place at the level of neural cells to the human communication process with Allah swt ( iyan , 2003) .
The human brain is basically the most important and unique part . The uniqueness of the human brain is a dynamic system that is owned by a live human being ( iyan , 2003) . In it can be seen that the human brain is one organ that Humans will continue to experience growth According to stages of human development itself . With different stimuli between the brain of the individual with other individuals , this resulted in brain qualities Possessed between one individual with other individuals differently . Stimulus is an external factor or factors derived from the human environment that can Affect the brain characteristic .
As a creature of God is given a precious gift in this case is the brain , should presumably Humans for Humans to always maintain and preserve the gift of God Almighty . thank God , Including in this case the brain is grateful for the center of human activity . grateful for the favors , in the form of the brain that was given by God to man, one of the roomates is functioning optimally developing brain by triggering the brain through all kinds of stimuli that can develop the human potential .
As the ratio of the central cortex , limbic emotional center as this can be used as the main foundation of human spiritual potential in tapping existing in man . With God 's human creatures as given a very precious gift , presumably people to always keep the grace of God Almighty and nurture included in this case are grateful for the gift of the brain that controls the center of human behavior . grateful for the favors , in the form of the brain that was given by God to man, one of roomates is the brain functioning optimally developed by triggering the brain through all kinds of stimuli that can develop the human potential .
It is the responsibility of one human being by developing the human perspective is objective and rational and balanced with the procurement of emotional intelligence that comes from the limbic part of the brain . Imbalance between the limbic cortex in the human brain and this will help the people in his life wading in the world . Just as when a man to do a simple activity that is when Humans are faced with a problem , in a situation like this people are required to make- decisions as a process leading to a private skipped start adulthood . In addition to the components that are not less important is the human spiritual intelligence , Because with the right spiritual state it will develop human intuition and will facilitate human to blend with the creator of Allah swt .
Hernanta , I. ( 2013) . Complete medical science of Neuroscience . Jogjakarta : D Medika ( Member IKAPI ) .

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