In Learning Theory Behaviorism

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Is a learning theory that emphasizes more on human behavior . Regard the individual as being a member of a reactive response to the environment . And maintenance experience will shape their behavior .Characteristic of this theory is prioritizing the elements and a small part , is mechanistic , emphasizing the role of the environment , concerned with the formation of a reaction or response , emphasizing the importance of exercise , concerned with the mechanism of learning outcomes , concerned with the role of ability and learning results obtained is the emergence of the desired behavior . On learning theory is often called psychological SR means that human behavior is controlled by rewards or reward and reinforcement or reinforcement from the environment . Thus the learning behavior are closely interwoven between behavioral reactions to stimulus . Teachers who hold this view berpandapat that student behavior is a reaction to the environment and the behavior is the result of learning .Behavoris the theory is better known as the theory of learning , because all human behavior is the result of learning . Learning means to change the behavior of organisms as environmental influences . Behaviorism do not want people to question whether good or bad , rational or emotional ; behaviorism just wanted to know how his behavior dikendalian by environmental factors . Learning theory in the sense that a greater emphasis on human behavior . Regard the individual as being a member of a reactive response to the environment . And maintenance experience will shape their behavior .The principles of behaviorism theory is :1 . Object of psychology is behavior2 . All forms are returned on reflex behavior3 . Importance of habit formationAristotle argued that at birth the human soul does not have anything , like a candle table ready painted by experience . According to John Locke (1632-1704) , one of the empirical character , at birth humans do not have the " mental colors " . This color is derived from experience . Experience is the only way to ownership of knowledge . Idea and knowledge is the product of experience . Psychologically , all human behavior , personality , and temperament is determined by sensory experience ( sensory experience ) . Thoughts and feelings caused by past behavior .Empiricism difficulty in explaining the psychological symptoms arise when people talk about what drives humans behave in certain ways . Hedonism , saw man as a creature who moves to fulfill her interests , seek pleasure and avoid pain . In utilitarianism, human behavior is subject to the principle of reward and punishment . When combined with the hedonism and empiricism utilitariansisme , then it is called with behaviorism .Assumption that experience is the most influential dala formation behavior , implying how plastisnya human . He is easily formed into any environment with relevant creating .Thorndike and Watson , the behaviorist stance : organisms are born without social traits or psychological ; behavior is the result of experience and behavior driven or motivated by the need to increase pleasure and reduce pain. The flow of a more behavioristik elementaristik saw man as passive organisms , which is controlled by stimuli in their environment . Basically , humans can be manipulated , their behavior can be controlled by controlling the stimuli present in its environment ( Mukminan , 1997: 7 ) . Learning problems in view of behaviorism , in general , has some theories , among others : connectionism theory , Classical Conditioning , Contiguous Conditioning , and Descriptive behaviorism or better known as operant conditioning .

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