The Best Vision (Canonical Perspective)
Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013
Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb
Hi friends, I will now describe a little about cognitive psychology. do you know if everyone certainly has its own perception based on past experience and stimulus.
To be able to find out more about perception, let's learn about the introduction of the object. Our ability to recognize objects that are familiar to us is an admirable characteristic owned human beings. How very berfariatif to recognize objecs can use the perceptual theories, pattern recognition, visual gestalt theory, canonical processing perspective botton-up versus top-dwon, template matching, analysis features, and matching the prototype.
But in everyday life, we can say that the canonical perspektrif is best to present his point of view (describe) an object or image (image) first appears when we remember thinking a form.
canonical can inflict in the perspective of the experience of the past, and is the easiest way in recognizing an object. For example, when asked to draw a House, then the majority of people or even entirely would definitely draw the House looked made up of triangular, square and rectangle. It happens because of our past experience, we have learned that if there is a triangle, square, rectangular and must say that it was our perception is the image of the House.
Another example of a canonical perspective is if we are given the image photo mug that looks from the side, we will be able to find out firsthand that it is the Cup. Different again if we are given the image photo mug from the top, then we will be hard knowing that iti is the image photo mug.
From these examples it is known that canonical perspective is how the introduction of the easiest objects, as in the canonical perspective there is an identification, information and agreements by many people.
Many of the reviews about the introduction of objects, may be able to add our and knowledge into useful information. If the explanations are less clear, it can be seen in the book cognitive psychology by Robert l. Solso dkk as well as other references pertaining to the introduction of the object.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb
Hi friends, I will now describe a little about cognitive psychology. do you know if everyone certainly has its own perception based on past experience and stimulus.
To be able to find out more about perception, let's learn about the introduction of the object. Our ability to recognize objects that are familiar to us is an admirable characteristic owned human beings. How very berfariatif to recognize objecs can use the perceptual theories, pattern recognition, visual gestalt theory, canonical processing perspective botton-up versus top-dwon, template matching, analysis features, and matching the prototype.
But in everyday life, we can say that the canonical perspektrif is best to present his point of view (describe) an object or image (image) first appears when we remember thinking a form.
canonical can inflict in the perspective of the experience of the past, and is the easiest way in recognizing an object. For example, when asked to draw a House, then the majority of people or even entirely would definitely draw the House looked made up of triangular, square and rectangle. It happens because of our past experience, we have learned that if there is a triangle, square, rectangular and must say that it was our perception is the image of the House.
Another example of a canonical perspective is if we are given the image photo mug that looks from the side, we will be able to find out firsthand that it is the Cup. Different again if we are given the image photo mug from the top, then we will be hard knowing that iti is the image photo mug.
From these examples it is known that canonical perspective is how the introduction of the easiest objects, as in the canonical perspective there is an identification, information and agreements by many people.
Many of the reviews about the introduction of objects, may be able to add our and knowledge into useful information. If the explanations are less clear, it can be seen in the book cognitive psychology by Robert l. Solso dkk as well as other references pertaining to the introduction of the object.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb
by: Rosyida Nuril Izzati (12410069)
L. Solso Robert, Ottoh H Machin & M. Kimberly Maclin. (2002). Psikologi Kognitif. Jakarta: Erlangga
my opinion and from my lecture
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