Posted by Unknown Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
We have a lot to learn about developments in human beings . There are people who experienced the spiritual development from birth through to adulthood. In the process of spiritual development so it changes constantly , but it remains a development unit to . between old growth periods are infancy , cooking -school children , school age children , adolescence ( puberty and adolesen ) , and adulthood . One thing that is encouraging is that there are psychologists who argued about the pre- born, it is very useful although the subject is still limited to the areas of health and education . Having regard to the development of the development before birth , it seems useful to direct future development in infancy . In the health sector raised about the need to improve nutrition for mothers and babies that she carried in the form of addition of vitamins and minerals with prior consultation with the midwife or obstetrician . With the addition of vitamins, minerals it is expected that the baby was born healthy and intelligent as grains are categorized as " seeds " . In the field of education are advised to create domestic conditions that harmony and peace . Circumstances it can be achieved , for example , with self-control . Do not do evil against fellow human beings or other creatures because of the behavior of the parents like to be connected with the growth of unborn baby .I think actually , a lot of factors that affect the development of a person . There are also internal factors there are external factors . For instance , namely internal factors : genes , temperament , and innate nature of each individual , and so forth . Whereas internal factors are also no less affecting for example, just because of the environment , when he was playing , going to school , work , and with whom he associated , because of the pressure he felt in his family , economic factors , and others. Therefore, parents should really be a role model and a good example for their children , and providing spiritual fulfillment child , choose a good environment to be a place to live , pay attention and control with whom the child was hanging out in their daily activities .
Sources :Zulkifli, L., Psikologi Perkembangan, Remaja Roskadarya, Bandung, 2009

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