You see is not true

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
You have seen is not the truth? What does it mean? Certainly raises a question mark? Yes, the intent of the author here, will explain or discuss about anything (stimulus) that was later received by means of the senses in the process that match of what has been accepted by means of the senses, which is the result of the process was not necessarily appropriate at what processed by means of our senses. What is it? The more curious? ...

First of all, the author will explain the process of receipt of stimulus (the sensations). According to the Dictionary of Psychology j. p. CHAPLIN (2009) the burning sensation (sensation) is a process or elementary experiences that arise when one stimulus stimulate or excite one receptor, the process of feeling, living up to. In his book cognitive psychology Solso, Robert L, et al. (2008) explains that the sensation is early detection constitutes the energy of the physical world, deals with the structure and the process of sensory mechanisms. The notion of a second can be inferred that the sensation is receiving stimulation (stimulus) through means of the senses.

Second, the notion of what is Perception? Remember! ... Perception is not a Reception!.According to the book cognitive psychology perception Solso, Robert L, et al. (2008) is a high-level cognition involves the penginterpretasian of sensory information. Meant here is that the assessment process is one of the objects (the stimulus).

Back to the title again, then what is the title of it?. Previously we must know first what it is illusory, according to the Dictionary of Psychology j. p. CHAPLIN (2009) illusion (illusion) is a mistaken perception or distorted. For example, such as the motion of the strocoboscopik (berpuing-spinning dizziness).

From some of the above explanation then it can be linked to an example, in everyday life we sometimes fooled by our own senses. Consider the image below.

From the image above when viewed at a glance it appears that the woman was taking (put) the small man. But in fact what we see is not the actual process of seeing with this so-called indara sensation while the judge that the woman menjumput (taking) the man that is the perception. Can be explained that the woman and the man have the same height, only the position of those who make as if the woman and the little guy. Men's position somewhat away from the camera while the camera is close to the woman and woman's hands seems like taking the men away with man's position but this woman so make a unity that ostensibly or called an illusion.

So, according to the author here what you see is not necessarily or not. Observe, look carefully about what we are seeing, because the tools our senses in receiving the stimulus (sensation) and to process, interpret or assessment of a particular stimulus (perception) is not always true.

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