What the heck is causing your brain slow ? ? ....

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
The brain is a remarkable organ awesome . With billions of neurons fulfill every part to help process and control the activity of the organs of the body . Network system that goes between cells in the brain that then triggers of what we call intelligence. And the limited capacity of the brain really is not if we are able to optimize its function .We should have to know what are the factors that can interfere with brain development , so we can do the prevention of the things we do not want . Some adverse effects caused our brains slow and should be avoided are :1 . CIGARETTECigarettes contain a lot of substances and compounds that are very harmful to the human body . Because the nicotine contained in cigarettes that can interfere with the migration of neurons , inhibiting connections , and mistakenly cut neurons . Nicotine also can disrupt dopamine which is a neurotransmitter system as an auxiliary in process menginggat . Neurotransmitter dopamine serves as a quick work - that is secreted by neurons from the substantia nigra neurons . And if disrupted dopamine , the brain will decrease his or slow .And the dangers of nicotine to the body and the brain is not only felt by active smokers alone but also occurs in passive smokers are those who often are around smokers and menggirup smoke from the cigarette that causes negative impacts for them . Of course we do not expects to be active or passive smokers if we truly love our brains and bodies . So if we really love on the brain and body as much as possible we should shy away from the name CIGARETTES , denagan not be the wearer or to avoid so as not to inhale the smoke .2 . LEADOf lead into the body through motor vehicle fumes we breathe every day . Gasoline is used as fuel for motor vehicles found to contain levels of lead that pretty much . The content that will go into the lungs and then enter the bloodstream throughout .Lead is very dangerous , especially in children . Actually lead to lower intelligence of children up to 5 % . A little boy who breathe air that has been polluted by lead can decrease intelligence compared with children who do not breathe air contaminated by the late black ink . In children aged 2-7 years are very vulnerable to the negative effects of lead . The greater the lead that is inhaled , the greater the decrease in the level of intelligence , especially when the child grows experienced 7 years of age .3 . STRESSStress is a condition when a person's body amid interact with their environment and then felt a conflict between the demands situasai and the biological , psychological and social . And this stress can disrupt the body's systems homeostesis that affect the physical and psychological symptoms . Due to the unstable condition of the body due to stress will affect our brains and be the stopper for the workings of the brain to be optimal .therefore we have started to design and carry out preventive measures in order to minimize the negative impact of stress that can interfere with the performance of our brain . Especially by always keeping our lifestyle , our food and our body balance .Hopefully this article can be useful for all of you who read it and also for the writer ...Sources : ( son , Darma . Secrets make the brain super , 2013)
by lailatul badriyah 12410186

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