Nursing Home, The Throw Those Renta
Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013
Violence against the elderly is a crime against humanity. Often, putting a parent into a nursing home or elderly not only is an isolation also an attempt to eliminate the history of the existence of the elderly in their host environment. Notes contributions or services as the elderly residents of a region slowly eliminated or even eliminated, simply because they live in a nursing home.
Elimination of historical self is a crime of humanity. Seniors who have died lost their civil rights, such as: the right to use public facilities, such as the right of burial or cremation; rights to get proper social interaction and political rights they become tercerabuti.
Nursing Homes in Bali
ELDERLY Social Institution in Bali, more popularly referred to as the Coast Homes is the Government's efforts to protect the elderly (the elderly) who live in poverty and neglect. Act 1945 section 34 has mandated, pay attention to "the Poor and Neglected Children". Social Institution based on the establishment of Act No. 4 of 1965 on "Life Assistance for Elderly People"; decision No.3/1/50/107/1979 Minister of Social Affairs on "Giving life for people age Further "; decision no.12/HUP/KEP/UU/1982 Minister of Social Affairs on" Formation of Social Institutions ELDERLY Wana Seraya Denpasar ". RI Act 6 of 1998, concerning "Elderly Welfare".
Bali Local Government has two nursing homes namely: Wana Seraya (Denpasar) and Jana Mara Pati (Lovina-Singaraja), sheltered approximately 130 seniors.Establishment phenomenon Panti ELDERLY Wana Seraya in Bali October 25, 1975 by the government, can actually be used to read back the power of social relations in Bali. It is associated with familial and kinship patterns in Bali, especially the treatment of the elderly as well as the welfare and violence against the elderly.Today, there is a tendency to separate the parents with a 'check' parents or elderly family members to stay in nursing homes owned by government or private.
Body Politics Violence
The body which was born of political media imagery puts the elderly become marginalized minority groups. Dichotomy awakened by placing elderly as evil (witch), ugly, fragile and a burden on society should be hidden or removed. This is a counter of the images will be youthfulness, vitality and productivity as a mirror of progress.
Elderly Commission (2009) states, urgent problems of the elderly, is the abandoned poor elderly, handicapped, and violence. In 1991, the number of elderly is estimated 1,811,484 inhabitants. Meanwhile, the capacity of Social Institutions Tresna Wredha (PSTW) is still relatively small. Required mapping the elderly poor, homeless, disabled, and those with physical, psychological, sexual, and neglect. Physical violence such as physical attacks that cause pain, injury and disability on the body.
Psychological or emotional violence is verbal and non-verbal which can cause suffering, pain, sorrow. It includes: verbal violence (verbal assault), humiliation (insults), threat (threat), intimidation (Intimidation), shame (humiliation) and harassment (harassment). In addition, treating adults like babies, isolating them from their families, friends, or regular activities. Enforcement of social isolation are examples of emotional and psychological abuse.
Financial or material exploitation violence is a form of financial abuse, property (property) and the assets of the Elderly, such as commercial paper melt (check) belong to the elderly without legal approval or without permission; mimic signatures, misuse or theft of money or property; coercion and fraud to sign the document (contract or will), and the abuse of power of attorney.
Sexual violence is an act of sexual intercourse without the consent of the elderly such as: rape, sodomy, forced to strip, various forms of explicit nudity photography.Meanwhile, abandonment is another form of violence, is defined as the refusal or failure to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities to the elderly, such as meeting the needs of life such as food, water, clothing, shelter, health care, home care (in-home service), health , payment of maintenance fees, and consent to care for the elderly.
Bessi (2007:60, 135) states, the reason being elderly nursing home residents (Wana Seraya Bali) because of poverty and neglect, do not have family, or abandoned his family. Also reported, violence against the elderly is also done by social institutions such as the banjo. 4 bodies carrying citizens Social Institutions Tresna Werda Wana Seraya Denpasar denied burial customs and religion of the Hindu family has no excuse for funeral expenses, as well as customs problem that does not allow him to bury the elderly in their home areas.
Hope Humanity
Policy distortions in the form of restrictions on working age (retirement), the age restriction for the provision of health insurance coverage is a manifestation of structural discrimination by public authorities should be accepted as unconditional.
This discrimination should be fought with the enforcement of the rights of minorities, including the rights of the elderly. Isolation is not a way out. Suryani said that the problem should be handled by the Elderly Elderly himself with the help of government or agencies engaged in the humanitarian field. And, not a right tindakkan Elderly potential to lead to stay at Panti Werdha and isolate it from normal society (Bessi, 2007: 17-18).
Handling the welfare of the elderly should be based banjar in Bali propagated. Thus, the praxis of respect for the elderly, elderly and non-ancestral simulacrum, pretense.Resolution of internal conflicts within the family especially involving the elderly pursued to the fullest, involves sensitivity and awareness of the administrators banjo and traditional elders. Thus, the elderly are not abandoned and to live naturally in their social relationships.
BKKBN in the Portal of the Republic of Indonesia (2008) states, the government is targeting the year 2010 as many as 2.7 million elderly will receive Social Security Seniors (JSLU) amounting to Rp 300 thousand per month. This relief is permanent because it is social security, not as direct cash assistance (BLT). Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation Services (Yahrehsos) states that there are 1.5 million elderly who have not obtained JSLU neglected. Terms for neglected elderly who receive JSLU is golong poor, not people with disabilities who have received assistance, not the elderly who are in nursing or those who have received other assistance programs such as the BLT, or included in the Health Insurance for the Poor (HIP).
But the reality is usually elderly are those who come from the poor and uninformed.They were unfortunate not to know for sure a lot of programs and how to access JSLU. Civil society needs to participate ensure and monitor that guarantees it can actually be enjoyed by the elderly poor.
Specifically for local government in order to re-enact Bali guarantee waive the cost of health care for the elderly in hospital. Lately parlors forced the hospital to cover the costs of the elderly by relying on money from visitor donations. Enforcement of the provision of health insurance policy based on the use of ID cards of origin is certainly not unreasonable given nursing home residents do not all have families, displaced, and dementia with their origins. For the sake of humanity, Bali Government should give the elderly in nursing homes and health insurance ID card specials free hospital treatment.
They should not be placed in nursing homes, because their time should have their old age to always close and with their families.
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