what is paranoid personality disorder?

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
what is paranoid personality disorder?
People with paranoid personality disorder basically do not have confidence in the other person and have the unfounded suspicion towards all people. People will be trapped emotionally by this disorder. People who suffer from this mental disorder will see everyone has evil plans against him, which originated in the early days of maturity, with a variety of situations or factors.
A paranoid patient will feel depressed, when their behavior patterns and suspect to blame someone else forced them to seek safe refuge guarantee. But the problem is, when the protection guarantee is obtained, the patient began to hear many contradictory things. They then felt that something more sinister is being prepared to attack them.
They tend to think: who is the power to control this? They want to know who is in power in these situations. Patients began trying to keep others from themselves, so they only have a few friends only, then prove to themselves that a sinister plan is being prepared to fight them. This has resulted in them living in solitude.

Treatment for people with this kind of disorder is quite difficult, because people will suspect therapist who tried to heal them. The best way is through a similar approach to develop daily business without "therapy inward". Therapists can become a business partner for patients, to assure that not everyone has malicious intent as to what he has been thinking. (12410132) Muhlisin. From “Kiat Mengatasi Gangguan Kepribadian”. By Maharani. 2005. SAUJANA: Jogjakarta.

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