less attention

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Never did we feel concern at a mediocre ..? surely only rarely. Most of us are more equal attention to something popular, whether it is negative and a positive.
Same thing with my brother (putra, 15th) yesterday, when again  ball season was keen not to be outdone by people older than age in football, he always updates about balls, ranging from player to schedule their games also , yesterday's time, now I me-too watch also I find it odd, because playing the ball it's not just one person but rather is played by many people well, from here I'm starting to realize that turned out to watch the ball it makes us less attention loh, because what, just imagine for example we see directly its home games we can't pay attention to all the players, but we will look at players who are just dribble, or on the contrary we see only our Idol footballer, not possible we respect all players carefully. And behold, it's also a sense of conscious and not ourselves that little regard for all of the football players.
Speaking of attention there is a term in psychology that attention was also called to "attention" the centrality of mental effort on the happenings of the sensory or mental events. A large number of contemporary ideas about gained is based on the premise that the capacity of information processing system for processing of the input stream is determined by the limitations of the system. (Robert l. Solso, Otto h. Maclin, m. Kimberly Maclin &, 2008, p. 115)
In addition gained also has some major aspect to note that a. the processing capacity of the selectivity of where we can pay attention to a number of external stimuli from the outside world, but we can't pay attention to the stimuli. b. control, we can control the response to stimuli that we see. c. automatic processing. A large number of routine processes (such as driving a car) has become a very familiar process so it takes only a little conscious attention and can be done automatically. d. Neurosciences kognitifotak and central nervous system is the anatomical support for the attention, as well as cognition. e. consciousness. Attention bring events into consciousness.
Well back in the cases that I just attentions selectively, focusing on some of the cue as it does on a football player my Idol, more on other cues. And the reason why I only pay attention to selectively alone is my ability to process the information is limited by the channel capacity. Second I have a number of options to control stimuli that I noticed. third my perception of events associated with automatic processing carried out my cognitive system of the material in question. And I finally find out if in fact I've noticed but not to all existing things, but the things that I think is cool just that which is either positive or negative.

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