Both puberty

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
The term " puberty " is derived from the word " pubes " which means hair that grows around the genitals . This condition is experienced by teenage children , both male and female . Second puberty is a condition in which there is a similarity of behavior like that of the children who enter puberty , such as more attention to appearance , more attention to the opposite sex , and so on .
Second puberty experienced by men and women age 40 years and over. The symptoms in men are now entering the second puberty. Reluctant to appear old. They began to notice the appearance and beauty of the body . Dyed her hair ala young, stylish slang, modifying his car became flat, and so on. They also begin to love again adventure. Starting from riding motorcycles from a distance, up and out of the discotheque. Productivity increased life. Many found that they are more adept at negotiating, the more advanced the business, as well as more spectacular career.
Whereas in women, the symptoms are. Interrupted or the cessation of menstruation ( menopause ). This happens because gonadotrop no longer produced by the gland hypophysc. Effects that occur are dizziness, lethargy, and less passionate. As a result, emotional stability is often compromised. Shrink fat deposits so that the skin begins to wrinkle, even breasts start changing shape. The hair was graying.
Each person will experience this second phase of puberty . Because it is necessary for adequate preparation to enter the mature phase of this crisis . This is where back -tested the commitment of marriage . Communication and understanding are very important role for the couple who started the second pubescent . Different conditions between the husband and wife often lead to conflict between the two . Husband getting excited in many ways , while the wife is getting lethargic and less passionate . If there is good communication between couples who entered this period , then the second crisis the problem will be resolved.
Some things you can do to get through a second puberty well are. Both banc without being bothered by the presence of children. Provide such a surprise candle light dinner, buy goods that. Are desirable partner, and so on. Open back memories photo album together. Watching movies alone and so on.
It is expected that couples entering a second puberty can pass well and entering the twilight of his life happily .

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