Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Therapy for People with Personality Disorders
Dr. David B. Adam, from Atlanta Medical Psychology, said that most psychotherapists have difficulty in dealing with patients with personality disorders. They are the most difficult to fulfill his desire, often hinder communication, avoiding a relationship based on trust, and not be held to explain the origins of psychiatric disorder they experience (The Psychological Letter, Febuari 2000).
According to the Surgeon General, psychiatric disorders can be treated. By utilizing an effective therapeutic method, they can obtain a better condition. There are two models, namely treatment, and social-psychiatric medication (pharmacological). Combination of both is called multimodal therapy, and how it sometimes gives more effective results. Therapy and medication can indeed help, but the patients themselves who should decide to create a better life for themselves.
To obtain relief, a person should have a strong determination to overcome their natural personality disorder. He must have a desire to realize the inner experience and behavior, such as deep trauma or abuse experienced in the past. It also affects the mindset about themselves, their relationships with others, and the environment.

So I think the first important thing in the treatment of patients with personality disorders is to make them aware that they should seek to recover. Then, after desire is owned by new patients were then given through therapy or alternative medicine. . Muhlisin (12410132) from “kiat mengatasi gangguan kepribadian” by Mahari. 2005. SAUJANA: Jogjakarta.

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