Importance of Thinking

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Humans are living things that are very unique and different from other creatures . Humans are also given the brain used to think , to process the information obtained through the use of information . Capacity of the brain and its use in a variety of each human being . It causes the perception of each person is not the same even though there are some people who berspektif same in most circumstances . For example , there are two equally told to describe a cleric , cleric Yusuf mansur example . The possibility of the first to describe in terms of physical ( such as beauty , white , smiling , etc. ) , while the second person to describe in terms of personality ( pious , wise , friendly , and helpful ) . And pendiskripsian Such processes would require cognition . What is cognition ?The word cognition , etymologically derived from the Latin meaning cognoscere know ; to know ; to recognize or simply cognition ie thinking process . Man can not be separated from the activities of the thinking process . All activities are done by humans definitely need the name thinking process .Three issues related to the process of thinking :1 . Encoding ( the process of entering information into memory ) ,2 . Storage ( process information into memory storage )3 . Retrieval / recalling ( recall the stored information ) .In the process of thinking , we sometimes forget the trouble or call the information that we want to dig back . Caused by too much information that we get . We have different brains with strong computer hard drives store data that has been entered , as well as easily call him back with both just by holding the mouse . Why do we easily forget ? Actually, our brain is like a knife . If more and then more sharply honed . The information has been entered , if we often use it then it will be easier to remember . For instance people who memorize the Quran , if repeated often read it will be easier to remember than a rare read .Daily activities that we do are all influenced by the thinking process . Thought processes we use in everyday life . For example, thinking to solve problems , think to take a decision , thought to be more sensitive to the environment , and many more goals we think . Think not just thinking . In fact there are some people who can not think if it is not alone . That means thinking requires kefokusan , accuracy , and preferably not in the emotional moment because it will often get results that are not logical .There is a term to say " Berfikirlah before acting " . Sentences are very short but filled with a complex meaning . Activities that we do not simply happen but is the result of our thinking processes.

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