Posted by Unknown
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Sensation and Perception
In cognitive psychology, we refer to the physical world (external) as well as the mental world (internal). Liaison with the external reality of mental world based on sensory systems.
or sensation in the English language, derived from the Latin word which
means they sensatus awarded the senses or the intellect. More
broadly, the sensation can be interpreted as the simplest aspects of
awareness generated by our senses, such as high temperature, green color,
taste delicious bar of chocolate. (Alex Sobur, 2011: case 471)
Sensation (Sensation) refers to the early detection the energy of the physical world. Studies of sensation generally associated with structures and processes sensory mechanism. Stimuli and their influence mechanisms mentioned.Perception (perception) involves a high level cognition in interpretacion against sensorik information. Basically,
sensation refers to early detection to stimuli, while perception
refers to the interpretation of the things that our senses.
often in our everyday use of the word perception when it gets sensation. as our perceptions of friends and about the things that we can sense. perception here into our valuation of the object that we see. perception sometimes reach the truth but sometimes also entered in error. vices do not easily judge others from our perception, but also see the goodness for all.
Reference: Solso, Robert.L, Maclin, & Maclin otto.H, M. Kimberly (2007). Cognitive Psikolgi. Jakarta: publisher grants.
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