Psychology and Cognition
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Since the task assigned by my lecturer is related to cognitive psychology , then I will try sedikti elaborated on what I learned about cognitive psychology . Prior to entry in terms of cognitive psychology , I lay out in advance the understanding of cognitive .
Is a cognitive process includes how the human brain activity , all matters relating to the development and activity in the human brain in the scope of cognitive , be it in the process of thinking , the ability to remember , and how much an individual's ability to take action in solving his problems . A simple example to understand the sense of cognitive such as the people who work in air traffic control , when every minute there are some adabeberapa planes coming and departing aircraft , to regulate how the plane would have to come and go is not that's easy , but it is very difficult , because if the people who work in the air traffic control had little mistake in taking actions and decisions in the departure and arrival of aircraft , then it would indeed be very fatal . Process of thinking and decision-making that is in the realm of cognition, because surely the people who work in air traffic control are the ones who have high cognitive sensitivity . Thus is my understanding of the cognitive glimpse .
Cognitive psychology derived from a combination of two words , namely psychology and cognition / cognitive , and gave rise to a meaning , ie cognitive psychology , in his discussion , cognitive psychology is no longer talking about the mental processes and human psychiatric conditions , but to discuss the thought process , and how the information retrieval process the information is processed in the brain . Very much the definition of cognitive psychology - definition of the experts , of the many definitions of cognitive psychology can I take the conclusion bring cognitive psychology is a study of how to understand human mental processes in receiving and processing the information it receives .Cognitive psychology has a scope that includes learning the deliberations of cognitive psychology , cognitive psychology broadly discuss and learn about the human mental processes which covers such as sensation and perception , creativity , language , memory , attention , and problem solving , as well as the other .So my little pemahasan about cognitive psychology , may be useful for all readers , Amin Ya Rabb .....By_Muhammad Fikri At- Tamimy
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