Computational Brain, Memory and Memory Iconic Ekhoik
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Iconic storage
Iconic or iconic memory storage is the ability to capture visual impressions in a very short period of time , for cognitive psychologists , the term implies the existence of memory is encoding and storage of information involving cognitive processes that a high level . Although the iconic memory involves the storage of information , but recent discoveries suggest that iconic storage processes do not involve high-level cognitive , speed of visual information received by the eye is processed in the brain and is able to last about one second .
In a subsequent study found that that information diindra by eye and represented in iconic storage , if the information received was not sent to the processing stages that subsequently , the information received was fast disappearing , about 250 milliseconds to 4 seconds .
Many studies conducted by experts to investigate the loss of the information received in a very short storage of this iconic , one of which is a study varying the interval between the appearance of the letters with the appearance of a cue tone or a certain look , the result is a period of storage in iconic memory is very short , only about 250 milliseconds , or ¼ sec .
Ekhoik stronge
Nesser (1967 ) revealed that similar to the storage ekhoik iconic storage in two ways, the first is the raw sensory information is stored in the storage space , so that the raw information can be further processed , and the second is the storage time is very short , the same as the iconic storage , only about 250 milliseconds to 4 seconds , if memory serves iconic provide additional time to observe the stimuli disappeared from sight , the memory ekhoik also provide additional time to listen to the message .
Usefulness ekhoik storage becomes clearer if we consider the complexity of the processes in understanding a tones or simple conversation , along with increasing the time that auditory information is received and sensed as a " conversation " will also increase in number , the information is incorporated in one piece of small conversations , music , or other sounds that are not meaningful , except when placed in the proper context with other voices , ekhoik storage serves as the " glue " that briefly storage of auditory information is heard by the ear so that the whole auditory information received that can be understood more clearly .
For more details penimpanan ekhoik test , Moray , Bates and Barneet (1965 ) using four speakers or speakers to produce auditory stimulation ( certain sounds ) , the participants were asked to listen to the " notes " different from the four speakers , and the participants were asked to focus on an auditory signal that is received by him from what he was captured by the hearing of the four sound sources varying earlier , after the participants were asked to repeat what he remembered from listening to earlier results ( full reporting method ) , but the method of partial -assisted reporting " tools " to help participants recall what he had heard from four speakers . The experimental results indicate that partial reporting method ( which is aided by the tools ) to recall what was heard far better than reporting directly ( without tools ) . These results support the idea that a auditory information is also stored for some time in the sensory storage , more precisely in ekhoik storage .
By Muhammad Fikri At-Tamimy (12410211)
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