Lies and Popularity

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Psychologists from the University of Massachusetts , USA , Robert S. Feldman found an association between the lies and popularity among students ( young people ) . Research conducted Robert S. Feldman is published in the current issue of the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior .

" We found that the lies perpetrated by real students indicate that the student has the ability of high social control ," Feldman said .
Feldman conducted a study of 32 parents of middle and upper school students aged between 11 to 16 years , and provide a questionnaire that contains a variety of information about the activities of their children , social relationships , and the ability of their children at school . Based on these data , the students were grouped into two groups , ie groups that have a low level of socialization , and the group has a high level of socialization . The students in the two groups were asked one by one to test the savory flavor to sweet drinks and drinks and drinks that are not sour odor. Then they were asked to convince the inspectors that they liked or did not like what they drink . This makes the students make one true statement and one false statement .

Activity was recorded on video and edited it balanced into certain parts . To 48 students demonstrated record 64th test activity was to evaluate the effectiveness of the students express their reactions when tasting drink served in a test . The result was contrary to the drinking test performed , age , sex of the students who were tested , and socialization skills as said pre- school parents are undergoing tests .

" We want to get that high social skills that will make a person more easily delude others, or that being a big liar would make someone more famous ," said Feldman .
The study shows that adolescents are better able to lie adolesen compared with younger adolescents . Young women are also found to be able to lie than teenage boys. At all levels of age and sex , those who had higher social skills turned out to be potentially significant to be a big liar . When lying , they are better able to control the facial expressions , gestures , tone of voice , and eye contact . While they are less good socialization skills , had little difficulty in controlling his behavior when lying .
" This study shows us that it is not realistic if we always hope that people will always tell the truth . Actually, we do not want to accept this fact . Boys at a young age thinking to always be polite and say sweet in all circumstances , despite the fact that they say not a real honesty . manner, they are well received by the environment , the place gets , and the more popular " , says Feldman .

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