Posted by Unknown
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
In the bright morning , as usual I always follow the activities ma'had shobahul lughoh and study groups . Almost
every Wednesday , when Ta'lim Quran I always bring a book Introduction
to General Psychology , at least not membacalah although fewer than
nothing . Once recall ( recall or remember ) the previous material we have stored in memory . It
is true , as smart as any , if not as smart as anything we accustom
ourselves to learn , to remember all at once understand the materials
that have been given in the classroom , little by little will be
defeated by normal IQ but they are always geared up , always learning ,
filled by new knowledge that is even better . If you want to succeed in definite need of the process , takes effort , and sacrifice . In Islam , he taught that science is not how it works but how the process or how we acquire that knowledge .In the story above , the authors conducted the stages or processes that exist in memory . Previously , I briefly explain what is meant by memory . Memory in the narrow sense , namely memory . While in a broad sense is the process of memory encoding , storage , and retrieval or retrieval of information we have stored .classification of Memory• Short-term memory - memory that lasts a few seconds to several minutes .• Medium -term memory - memory that lasts a few minutes up to several weeks .• Long-term memory - the memory that once saved can remember back many years to a lifetime.The
material presented in class is actually a short-term memory memory if
we do not remember and repeat it continuously and this requires learning
process .
memorizing information we often associate with the attribute
information or symbols that correspond to our memory for easy call .. Linking new information with the elements that surround us .In
the learning process , the better the brain consolidated the memory in a
fresh instance do gymnastics or simple movements before the start of
the lesson . I
wrote this story is a part of the memory that I remember and I remember
the call by means of symbols associated with the stored information .Maybe up here yet, so ... , hopefully we can meet in the next issue , and hopefully this article can be useful for us all . Amiinn ...
Harista Umamil K (12410210)
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