Important is studying anthropology ? ?
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013
Before we enter the crucial stage
pembahsan or not we learn the science of anthropology , first I ask , do you
people care about your culture and the people around you ?
Ok .. after you answer , whatever
you want to continue reading this article what not . More ...
First of all let's find out what it
is anthropology ? ?
Anthropology is a branch of social
science that studies the culture of a particular ethnic community . Anthropology
of birth or appears originated from the interest of the Europeans who see
physical traits , customs , cultures different from what is known in Europe .
Anthropology focusing more on the
people who are single people , single people in the sense of unity that live
the same area , much like sociology anthropology but in sociology focuses on
community and social life .
Anthropology derived from the Greek
word άνθρωπος ( read : anthropos ) which means " man " or "
person ," and logos meaning " discourse " ( in the sense of
" reason " , " rational " ) . Anthropological study of
humans as biological organisms, as well as social creatures .
Anthropology has two sides which
examined the holistic human in every time and every dimension of humanity .
Mainstream is that traditionally separates anthropology from other humanistic
disciplines that emphasize comparative / cultural differences between people .
However this side much debated and controversial so Anthropological methods now
often performed on research focusing on a single community residents .
Nahh ... described above it is what
it is anthropology , but if my friends still like to know from the
anthropological experts .. I love ya
David Hunter
Anthropology is a science that was
born from the infinite curiosity about human beings
Anthropology is the study of
mankind in general by studying a variety of colors , the physical form of the
community generated sertakebudayaan
Rifhi Siddiq
Anthropology is a science that
examines all aspects of the human that consists of a variety of conceptions of
culture , tradition , science , technology , norms , institutions , arts ,
linguistics and emblem
William A. Havilland
Anthropology is the study of human
beings , trying to formulate useful generalizations about people and their
behavior and to obtain a complete understanding of human diversity .
From these definitions , it can be
arranged Anthropology simple sense , ie a study of all aspects of the human
being , which consists of physical and non-physical aspects such as skin color
, hair form , eye shape , cultural , political, and knowledge of various shades
other useful lives .
It also discusses anthropological
culture other than humans as subjects , whereby the culture appeared to have
several elements , namely
System knowledge
Social Organization
System equipment life and
System subsistence
religious system
Yahh ... like that Anthropology .
So according to my own anthropology is important loh .. very important fact .
But most people are lazy studying Anthropology especially the youth of today ,
including me well probably yes ..
Hemm .. let alone told to learn
ngelirik wrote sometimes it will not . Though it is important especially here
again we live in a country that has a lot of culture , namely Indonesia .
Besides, our country is rich in culture , Indonesia is also rich in livelihoods
and the people were friendly and arguably much haha .
Source: ( ) : (
Koentjaraningrat , 1996)
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