Friendship or companionship

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

Hi ... meet again with me . But this time I will talk about friends . It turns out it was a friendly person , including from character development values ​​loh ..
ya .. if you do not believe ..
 Value - the value of character development include :
 Religious
 Honest
 Tolerance
 Discipline
 Work hard
 Creative
 Self
 Democratic
 Curiosity
 The spirit of nationality
 Love homeland
 Appreciate achievement
 Friendly
 Love peace
 Love to read
 Never give up
 Care for the environment
 Caring fellow
Believe right now ... ? ? ?
Well .. FRIENDLY . Each person must relate to the relationship lain.model manifold . There are related because of the interests of labor, economics , politics , religion , and so on . In interpersonal relationships framed by certain practical interest , the principal destination being the point of the relationship . Once the goal has been achieved , the relationship is usually completed . For example , is the relationship between employees and customers , the shop assistant buyers , and models of this kind of relationship . Such relationships are mostly more formalistic . While the relationship that is built up because without any goals or more dominant humanitarian purposes , typically more durable , dissebut pattern of this kind of relationship with friendship .
There is an interesting theory of philosopher Martin Buber is interesting to ponder in relation to our human relationships . According to Buber , human relations have two fundamentally different . The first relation is called I- it ( I - objects ) and second , I- Thou relationship ( I - Thou ) . I- It relationship ( I - objects ) , according to Buber , marking the world in which I use objects , manipulate objects . The world marked arbitrariness . Everything in the world is set according to categories such as possession and mastery . I- Thou relationship ( I - Thou ) marks a world where I greet you and I greet thee , resulting in a genuine dialogue . In this world I do not use you, I see you . Encounter is one of the typical categories bagidunia this , as well as the categories of love and freedom .
Nahh .. because we live as social beings and creatures who have a conscience , it is only natural our mutual friendship between each other . Whether it's friendly because accidentally met and that was intentional friendship , good friends because of the importance and purpose or not , but more on a feeling or sense of humanity . Friendship can happen when we were kids to adults , there is also the time we are adults or fellow teens to adults but who knows how long hehehhehe . Friend was arguably important , because it is the best friend of more than friendship . Like most people say we share the joys and sorrows in a friend or a friend, not a boyfriend , and best friend will not be replaced is not like a boyfriend or friends . Bonds between friends is indeed very close but did not rule out the existence of conflict inside and close ties with friends and still unbeaten mother and child bond . So ^ ^

Sources : ( Naim , 2012)
Naim , N. ( 2012) . Character Building . Jogjakarta : Ar - Ruzz Media .
And my opinion 

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